I calculated my calorie intake for simple BMR - and for just that- I need 1363cals for a person of my weight and height. HOWEVER, I'm very active and exercise every morning- squats etc, ab work outs etc. jog in the park- so that in total I exercise for a full good hour daily. I also choose to walk and take public transport- and be as active as possible for a uni student. For someone to maintain my energy levels- I'm apparently supposed to eat approximately 2338 cals a day. But I can barely get up to 1000cals and at around 700cals- I'm just grabbing anything to reach at least 1000- and I know that anything under 1000cals is bad for you- but on some days I just can't be bothered because I'm simply just so full- and don't see the point of eating. But most days I -do- try to get to 1000. I'm worried that there's something wrong with me? I eat 2 weetbix for breakfast with milk, and also a slice of toast with (for example) a thin slice of roast beef. I try to eat an apple a day, I have some chocolate- and I eat the lunch and dinner my parent's cook. But I'm always SO full- (mainly from breakfast)- that I only eat because I should, and not because I'm hungry. 2000calories to maintain myself is a very daunting number- especially when I already feel like I'm energised. I don't know if this means anything- but I'm asian and quite petite- my bones are quite thin- and I'm just "naturally" small? Help anyone? I want to know if how I'm eating now is okay for my health- or is actually detrimental...I feel fine?