Sport I'm a 17yo girl, 167cm and 50kg. I find it VERY difficult to reach at least 1000cals

Sport Fitness
I calculated my calorie intake for simple BMR - and for just that- I need 1363cals for a person of my weight and height. HOWEVER, I'm very active and exercise every morning- squats etc, ab work outs etc. jog in the park- so that in total I exercise for a full good hour daily. I also choose to walk and take public transport- and be as active as possible for a uni student. For someone to maintain my energy levels- I'm apparently supposed to eat approximately 2338 cals a day. But I can barely get up to 1000cals and at around 700cals- I'm just grabbing anything to reach at least 1000- and I know that anything under 1000cals is bad for you- but on some days I just can't be bothered because I'm simply just so full- and don't see the point of eating. But most days I -do- try to get to 1000. I'm worried that there's something wrong with me? I eat 2 weetbix for breakfast with milk, and also a slice of toast with (for example) a thin slice of roast beef. I try to eat an apple a day, I have some chocolate- and I eat the lunch and dinner my parent's cook. But I'm always SO full- (mainly from breakfast)- that I only eat because I should, and not because I'm hungry. 2000calories to maintain myself is a very daunting number- especially when I already feel like I'm energised. I don't know if this means anything- but I'm asian and quite petite- my bones are quite thin- and I'm just "naturally" small? Help anyone? I want to know if how I'm eating now is okay for my health- or is actually detrimental...I feel fine?
Try weight gainer powder. Oils and nuts also add calories.
no weight gainer powders. nuts and nut spreads (almond butter, etc) are good for increasing calories.
don't forget the milk has calories and any other beverages aside from water, plain tea/coffee

be sure to drink a lot of water. get plenty of fiber too to keep the digestive system moving.

a simple whey protein shake wouldn't hurt either.
let's take a peak at what you are talking about here. in my 10+ years of experience in the fitness world, the most beneficial and life changing results have nothing to do with calories in vs calories out. This is a very very very old philosophy and many of the top professionals know this and preach it to their tribes of people. If it were as simple as eating calories, then you could say well ok, I need to eat 2300 calories a day, how about 3 big macs. that ought to do. well it's not about calories, there is a fine line between good and bad there anyways. what you want to focus on is putting more energy into your body than you are taking out. look at your body as a bank. put more energy deposits in, and take less energy with drawls. JUST LIKE A REAL BANK!
Dairy products tend to be very congestive and cause major with drawls on your body. I would HIGHLY recommend unsweetened almond milk. Humans are the ONLY species on earth that drinks milk after infancy, let alone another animals milk. I agree with Malkore, make sure you keep your diet high in fiber to keep the digestive process working properly. If you can eat a small salad before each meals it will help get the process started right. I would recommend most nuts outside of peanuts, cashews, and pistachios. Now, remember it's not about giving things up, but moderation. Keep 75% of what you do in the "good" range. Almond butter can replace peanut butter very easily and it's delicious. High fat fish like salmon, tuna, and trout. Avocados, tomatoes, grapefruit, lemons, and limes all have an alkalizing effect on the body, which means they raise the pH back to normal levels. Your bodies pH is needed to be maintained at 7.365 to be in balance. Soda Pop is a 2.3 on the pH scale, coffee is a 4, red meats are a 4.5 and beer is a 4.5 to name a few. Leafy green veggies and the low sugar alkalizing fruits we talked about above are all over 7.365.
DRINK WATER! AT Least half your body weight in ounces EVERY DAY! Drink clean structured water. I recommend DISTILLED, or any ionized or purified water.
I would stay away from whey protein, and supplement with with a more natural and easily absorbed source (plant based). Whey, is basically the bottom of the barrel after they make cheese, they scoop it, dehydrate it, flavor it and package it. This stuff is VERY toxic and hard on the body.
From the stats you give, you seem normal... 1000 cals per day is a little low but if you feel ok and are happy with the way you are why change it? It sounds like your metabolism efficiently handles what ever you throw at it!

As the post above states, cals in vs cals out is not always the answer to weight loss/gain... your lifestyle and BMR are what really controls your weight.

Calories are easily upped by adding more fats to your diet, like extra virgin olive oil, flax oil, and oils from eating fish and nuts. Avocado is high in saturated fat, but it's all good so eating a whole one wont be bad for you.

You could also try sports drinks like Lucozade or even plain old Ribena to help up your calorie count.
Almonds, avocado, almond milk, flax oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, primrose oil, udo's oil, fatty fish (salmon tuna and trout) will really help. i had a client add 3 avocados a day to her diet, in various forms, smoothies, on a salad, whole, however she liked it. her lean muscle gain really started happening here. she had some weight to lose, so it really shredded up the unwanted fat and helped build lean muscle. If you stick to more natural, less acidic foods in your lifestyle, you will notice positive changes.