If you're unhealthy and you know it clap your hands. *clap* *clap*


New member
Here is a bit about myself. I'm the chubby girl, always have been. I am at the prime age for losing weight and want to take advantage of it while I can. I don't want to spend my college and adult life struggling with my weight. I am 15 years old, 5'4, and about 200 pounds. Yeah you read it right. 200. I just want an exercise regimen I can do at home and not get bored with it. Also, some diet tips. I want to wear a bikini by this summer, even if it's high waisted. This is not all about looks though either. I understand that this is unhealthy and is hard on my joints and my back and I don't want to ruin my body. Anything helps, motivation, diet tips, excersise Ideas, whatever. Oh and my goal weight is 150 ish.
It's great you want to lead a more healthy lifestyle - if you are not independent yet make sure you tell your parents - they will then understand if you want to eat more healthily (eg. have less starchy foods like white pasta and bread and eat more vegetables to fill you up instead).

During good weather you could go outside for a walk, bike or jog (start slow and with intervals of walking). You could explore new places to keep you interested and not get bored.

If you have enough room to yourself in the house you can search YouTube for workout videos.

Good luck,
Honor (19)