If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

If you were given a million dollars what would you do with it? (pretend taxes don't exist).

If I had a million dollars, here are a few things I would do:
1.) Buy an inside gym
2.) Buy a 7-11 Slurpee machine in my own house :rolleyes:
3.) Buy a AC Cobra 1967 edition.
4.) Put some of the money into an account that will add up
5.) Learn to invest
Build myself an effing batcave

The end
Get out of debt, finish my education up (already underway), travel abroad, buy two cars - something sensible for the day to day and somethign sporty for the weekends - and buy a house, stock it (I like that gym idea), and throw the biggest damn block party my hometown has ever seen. Invest the other 700k or so and live on the interest.
million dollars aint what it used to be. If it were a BILLION dollars... then ..

-buy a house on the Bahamas, or another tropical island
-buy some sports cars
-buy the playboy mansion :D
-give to charity
-travel the world
-visit alaska
-try to help as many people as i could

idk lol cant think of it all! so much to do
Hey Bill Gates, let's keep it to the subject here, huh?

Guess you might have to settle for giving that million to charity...*sigh*

At first I would definately have to do something fun like travel somewhere abroad. Then I would go to some really good college or school in whatever country to learn dressage and jumping. Not sure what I would do after that.....

LMAO...u guys are funny...

~pay off everything
~buy a brand new minivan for everyday travling with the kids
~buy a brand new sporty car for me to have fun with
~set a large chunk aside for kids' schooling - divided among all 3 of course
~go on a shopping spree
~build dream house on 10 acres complete with indoor and outdoor rings, and large barn. And of course buy some horses.
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Well I'd rather have a million £s as its twice as much but If I had a million dollars...

I'd skim about 60k of the top to live on for a year and invest the rest.
I'd just live comfortably of the interest my whole life.
I'd go to University and do a degree in sports medicine or some sort of personal training.
I would do what I've always wanted to do. Start a restaurant, chain off of that.. bring together my years of idea's into a franchise.. All money that is made from people opening a place with my name will go to my kids. There education, and trust fund for them. All money made from what I've actually opened myself to get started will be for my family.
You must be the most ambitious guy I know.

I would at least expect you to bring Dad over to england and you buy me a beer.
I'd invest it. THEN

I'd leave this craphole and go to a decent school, and buy my parents a house because they've never had one.


I'd buy an iPod!

And shoes!
I changed my mind.

If I had a million dollars...

I would pay for my favourite 30 Fitness.com users to come to London for a massive pi55 up, hotels, clubs, food, the works!