Weight-Loss If I eat protein foods and metabolism boosting foods but under 1200 calories a day will i be fine?



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So they say if you eat under 1200 calories a day in the long term your body goes into starvation mode which slows your metabolism and stunts weight loss and makes you loose muscle. So, if I eat foods rich with protein and metabolism boosting foods every day but eat under 1200 calories will it still effect my metabolism and muscle mass? I will get my nutrients under 1200 calories so don't worry. Is this safe for me?

And sorry if this is in the wrong category, I didn't know what to put this under
Eating at UNDER HALF YOUR MAINTENANCE for an extended period of time will put you into starvation mode. But even if you were in starvation mode, you would still be losing weight. Yes, your metabolism will in the long run slow right down, BUT YOU WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT. Which study have you been reading?

There are no foods that will increase your metabolism drastically enough to have a significant impact on your body fat composition.

Read up on working out your macronutrient requirements and stick to it.
One of the main issues with eating 1200 calories or less is that people often cannot get enough of the necessary nutrients for keeping your body healthy. Your body will draw on its stores of fat, carbs, and protein for energy (ie. weight loss), but you will most likely not be getting the vitamins and minerals that you need to function properly.

It doesn't really matter how much protein you eat, if you don't resistance train as well, then your body will drop muscle mass. When you're eating at a caloric deficit, especially a drastic one, you will lose muscle mass, but resistance training will help preserve as much muscle as possible until you are at your target weight... then the goal should usually change to train for increasing muscle mass a bit to raise your resting metabolism.

I wouldn't really consider 1200 calories per day to be safe for anyone, but it's really hard to say without knowing more about you.
It is virtually next to impossible to maintain a calorie diet of 1200 or less. Firstly, calorie counting is a tricky business.

Calories of any food are measured in a lab. And not all the foods on the planet are measured in the lab. So, one has approximations.

Calorie burning is then dependent on several factors. These are, the mix of foods that you eat. The constituents of the foods that you eat.

The nutrients of the food that you eat. And most importantly your body’s capability to burn calories.

In any case, 1200 is generally a BMR of a person who is just about fit. So, your calorie consumption has to be at least 1400 even if you are sedentary.

If you are working out, the matter becomes even more serious. If your body is not sufficiently fed, at some stage it will stop burning fat, your metabolism will slow down.

You may find that you are still losing weight, but this weight lose is from your body cannibalising your lean muscle mass for energy.

The best thing to do is find out what your fat percentage is, concentrate on losing inches.
Not eating enough calories causes many metabolic changes. Your body is a smart machine and senses a large decrease in dietary energy. Your large calorie deficit might work for a few days or even weeks, but eventually your body will wake up and sound alarms that it needs to conserve energy. It doesn’t want to just waste away. You should be eating 4-6 very small meals a day that include 'fat burning' foods if you want to really lose weigh. Eating only one meal per day would actually slow down your metabolism (your body goes into starvation mode) and this will cause you to gain weight in the long term. You can learn more about the thermic effect of eating small frequent portions of 'fat burning' foods, at the bottom of this page, listed under Related Questions.