Depends what I do, I sometimes only get the chance to do 30 mins in the gym (once a week) and don't tend to eat following as I don't feel I have done anything, just warmed up really. I do drink well though- plain water, 500mls to 1L per hour I work out.
On days where I do 1.5-2 hours I do eat afterwards. I am trying hard to lose weight but am aware I should eat as it helps my body to stay in a healthy position. When I have chosen not to eat following these sessions I end up eating far more for dinner or feeling very cold, shattered or faint. Its not wise anyhow.
I tend to have a peice of fruit such as an apple or pear- something I can eat whilst on the train, and some meat of some sort- often ends up being sliced meat (its more affordable) but the 100% meat stuff and not the processed reformed stuff (quality matters to me).
I used to eat a protein bar but just didn't feel a fresh or as healthy even if the calories were the same. I also found that after about 6 months of surviving on protein bars during the day, my health really declined, I got several skin disorders, spots, felt tierd and just didn't feel healthy so I am not a fan of man-made foods such as protein bars or even shakes.
I cannot eat dairy- it makes me bloat so I have limited options, it makes it hard in some ways but also easy in others, I tend to preplan alot more now which makes things alot easier- preplan your snack else you could find yourself in a shop picking out high calorie foods to suppliment your hunger and appetite rather then what your body needs which is often far less then we feel we need.