Sport Ideas needed - Post-Workout snack

Sport Fitness
While it's important to eat protein and carbs after a workout to help muscle recovery... I'm becoming tired of the the same ol' PB on wheat... What's your favorite post-workout snack?

I try to avoid post work out snacks, i only drink lots of water
Depends what I do, I sometimes only get the chance to do 30 mins in the gym (once a week) and don't tend to eat following as I don't feel I have done anything, just warmed up really. I do drink well though- plain water, 500mls to 1L per hour I work out.

On days where I do 1.5-2 hours I do eat afterwards. I am trying hard to lose weight but am aware I should eat as it helps my body to stay in a healthy position. When I have chosen not to eat following these sessions I end up eating far more for dinner or feeling very cold, shattered or faint. Its not wise anyhow.
I tend to have a peice of fruit such as an apple or pear- something I can eat whilst on the train, and some meat of some sort- often ends up being sliced meat (its more affordable) but the 100% meat stuff and not the processed reformed stuff (quality matters to me).

I used to eat a protein bar but just didn't feel a fresh or as healthy even if the calories were the same. I also found that after about 6 months of surviving on protein bars during the day, my health really declined, I got several skin disorders, spots, felt tierd and just didn't feel healthy so I am not a fan of man-made foods such as protein bars or even shakes.

I cannot eat dairy- it makes me bloat so I have limited options, it makes it hard in some ways but also easy in others, I tend to preplan alot more now which makes things alot easier- preplan your snack else you could find yourself in a shop picking out high calorie foods to suppliment your hunger and appetite rather then what your body needs which is often far less then we feel we need.
Personally, if I do a heavy workout, I try to just maximize the amount of protein I intake. This isn't really a snack either as much as it's a meal, but I have hard boiled eggs with a baked potato (boiled too) and (maybe some ground beef) some toast.
Your post workout meal is key to supplying your body with the nutrients it needs after a hard workout. I often do power shakes consisting of whey, oatmeal, a banana or other fruit and sometimes a little peanut butter for taste. Your have a 45 min window after you workout that your body is in saturation mode which means it will put to use whatever you feed it. This is why its important to take something in that covers all the nutrients you need and make sure it's clean!

you can also do a meal of some kind including protein, veggies and carbs. Always watch your portion size and makes sure its clean.
I usually have a whey protien shake BEFORE my workout, that way some protien is just reaching the bloodstream at the end of the workout. After I like a grapefruit, banana and 12 ounces of water, followed 20-30 minutes later by a protien source: eggs, cottage cheese or nuts are my first choices.
i take a supplement called juice plus complete and have an apple and banana with that. works a treat and is very tasty. Allen Reid