I would like some help


New member
My name is Marcus
Im 17 years old
I have over the past 4 years gained alot of weight wich i want to say is from my lack of selfesteem due to bullying causing me to never leave my house or go out with friends.

I want to change this by start going to the gym but i have no idea where to start in the gym and i find excuses most of the time not to go to the gym cause i think everyone is gonna look at me and think "what is he doing here" and i have watched some videos of what to do but nothing tells me what can do in the gym to start of so if anybody would help please give me some tips what should i start with in the gym and also im 215 lbs or 97kg but i want to change that and if someone could help me i would forever be greatfull.
And also i am purshasing a gym membership tomorrow so i would really like some fast info or any info at all really :)
Hi Marcus. Good on you for getting the gym membership. No matter what body size you are, most people are self conscious at the gym, while in reality, most people don't care.

As for a workout, since you are just getting started, download a free app, like Nike+ and plug in beginner weight training and it will get you started. A lot of gyms include a session with a personal trainer ... if they do, make sure to take them up on it.

I recommend whatever you do, do high reps, low weight. It's not about getting huge, it's about getting fit. I do 15 reps of most exercises and slowly work up to 20. When I hit 20, I up the weight and drop back down to 15.

As for exercises, bench press, squats, lunges, and deadlifts are your big 4, so make sure they are included somewhere. How often would you like to go to the gym?

Make sure to warm up before doing any weights ... takes me 7-10 minutes on bike to get warm or 3-4 minutes on a treadmill. And, after you are done, do a cool down, so like 10-15m of cardio. It's good for your muscles and good to burn off a few extra calories.
If you are weight training to lose weight and firm up you arms, chest and stomach, then yes do high reps and low weights. I would also suggest walking at a pace that will bring your heart rate up between 110 & 130 beats per minute for 40 minutes (minimum). This is the Fat Burning Zone if you are age 25 and younger. If you would like more info let me know. I lost 50lbs 5 years ago and have kept 40 of it off and I thing I can show you how.
Let me know
Kevin David