I want to start jogging

Well about 5 months ago i was 200 pounds even, now im exactly 175 and im very happy, but my ultimate goal was 170. The last five pounds im finding very difficult to shed off. The past month and a half i have been at a brick wall.

Anyways, once summer hits i really want to get into jogging as i want to incorporate it into my life but right now i work five days a week and have school five days a week so finding time is difficult.

Basically im looking to do some cardio to help drop off the last 5 pounds but i need some tips/advice for jogging. It can be anything, best time of day, type of shoes, speed vs distance, just anything from personal experience that will give me a bit more insight to jogging.
Hi bubs, you don't mind me asking what hours are takin up, do you? When there is little time, the best i find you can is incorporate the activity in some way within daily life.
school from 9-3 then work from 4-10
although on thursdays and fridays i dont work but saturday and sunday i dont have school
it looks like your best windows of time are late thursday, friday and early sat and sun. How long can you currently run for?
i can keep a steady jog for only about 15 minutes at best

Start with that and over time it will increase. I suppose if you want to get more from a jog, you can alternate with walking. Maybe something like 5 min walk for 10-15 min jog.
join a local gym .... go early in the morning on thursdays and fridays (some gyms open at 5am) .... then go a bit later on saturdays and sundays .... so in total, you will have 4 consecutive days in a row ... if you are up to it, do 5 consecutive days and have the other 2 days as rest days

do some weight machines first, then do the 4 cardio machines (rowing, cycling, elliptical trainer and treadmill)

start slow, and do 10 minutes per cardio machine, then try increase it every week by an additional minute until you reach 20 minutes per machine ... you will also find that as time progresses, your stamina gains, and you go faster

combine that with a good diet and you will do well

as for running shoes, I opted for 2 pairs .... bought a pair of PT-03 (as used by the UK and US army)... (normally sell for £80 but got a pair on ebay for £20 from an army surplus store ... these are practically new, and classed as grade 1)..., and also bought a pair of Brooks glycerine dna (bought the brooks trainers for £6 from a charity shop and they are still brand new) ... Asics are also favoured by many

it is best to go to a shop that specialises in running shoes, and they will let you run on a treadmill, then see how your gait it and advise acordingly
You say your school ends at three and work starts at four? Well, depending on how far your workplace is, you can jog there, maybe? From home or from school, doesn't really matter. If it's too far take public transport, get off two or three stops from the workplace and jog there? But then you'll need some time to clean up /: