I want to lose weight, but also want to tone up.


New member
3 days a week for arms/legs and 4days a week is 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical.

I'm not fat at all, just a little chubby in the tummy area.

I keep hearing the same thing all the time about weight loss. Cut down on calories and exercise more.

I do not eat a lot at all now, no junk food, not had a soda in like 6 months... all I drink is water now.

If I follow that rule and keep doing what I have been doing exercising and eating less( not to where I'm starving myself). Should I get into shape and get toned.
You might not be eating enough. We really need more information to give you a good answer. How tall are you, how old are you, what is your weight, how active are you fir the majority of your day? If you are trying to build muscle there are different things to take into account than if you are trying to loose weight.
Good to have you on the forum. There are lots of really knowledgable people here! Welcome.
Adding to what ijustwannabefit said, you also need to provide more detail about your exercise.
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm 5'10 180lbs

Arms exercise
Curls 4 sets... 15 per set.
Hammer Curls 4 sets... 15 per set
Dips 3 sets..... 10 per set
Push ups.... 5 sets ...15/20 per set depending on energy
pull ups.. I just try to do as many as possible.

I will do 4 sets of lunges 10 per set.

I'm not lazy at all. I don't watch much tv. I usually am up on my feet, walking around the house.

I would like to tone up, but lose a little bit a weight in the stomach area.

Looking at your lifting routine the biggest thing I can see is that there is no core exercises in your routine (lower back, abs) so exercises like planks, crunches, steam engines, supermans, shoulder bridges, Bird dogs etc) The second problem is minimal leg work, although lunges are good you need at least one more exercise in there. Not knowing what sort of equipment you have I will stick to bodyweight suggestions, Sumo squat (wide stance squat), step ups, squat jumps (iron mikes) etc.

reps and sets, your sets are ok but unless you intend to work on muscle endurance than you are doing to many reps on most exercises. To build muscle for the appearance you want your reps must be lower with higher weight in the 8-12 rep range and if your in a calorie deficit going heavier again and dropping into the strength rep range (3-8) is a good idea, not to build muscle but to maintain what you already have because when you cut calories it is not just fat that you loose.

unfortunately there is no way to spot reduce the fat around the middle.
Right now I am using 20 pound weights. So to tone up, instead of doing 15 reps, do 8-12? right. lower reps, higher weight. So if its higher reps your cutting down muscle as well.
I will start doing core/back exercises, and more of the leg exercises.
1st of all you have to change some habits....

Instead of...
Do this...
An afternoon CokeDrink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)
An Egg McMuffinEat a small whole wheat bagel +1 Tbsp of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)
Using your break eat sweetsWalk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)
Hitting the snooze buttonGet up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)
Watching TV after workDo 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)