I want to get Fit BUT...

Does anybody have any ideas about a work out a stressed out, working, mom with bad back, BAD Carpel tunnel and messed up feet (Can't run) could do? I REALLY would like to get in shape ,but gee just by typing this my hands get numb, so therfore biking is out. Walking and running is not so great either due to some injuries I had on my foot HELP
have you gotten the injuries checked out by a doctor? any chanse you could do something about them? There's some weightlifting stuff you can do. With carpel tunnel syndrome some things will be out, you just need to test the waters; if something hurts, don't do it, if it doesn't hurt, then it's OK.
You should probably consult with a doctor or physio therapist before doing any exercise.
Been to the doctor - but short of surgery and NOT working (ha ha wouldn't we all like to not be working) I cant,t realy do much about it, Do you know of a good floor xercise that burns up some calories and doesn't put stress on your back?
you have a back problem too?
Have you talked to your doc about training? I think you could try weight training as there are many things you can do to work around your difficulities. You could probably do squats (unless you've got some back problem)