i want ice cream r.i.p. r.i.p.


New member
HI i'm bunni and i'm cursed i have the biggest sweet tooth on earth. i am literally never not craving sugar. i fantasize about ten foot long gummy worms probably at least 7 times a day and every night i fall asleep thinking about what it would be like to bathe in nutella. i've had this problem forever which is why i had to cut out the sugary things i love. i can't just have little bits of it.. once i take a bite of something sugary it's like i go into a full out frenzy and there is no end in sight.
ok um specifics about me i'm 18 years old i'm 5'5 i weigh 136 lbs (which is already 30 lbs less than i used to weigh) and i plan to start up again and lose about 10 pounds! which is gonna be tough because i've already cut out the things i love most in life (sugar) but i think..i can do it. and i want to so.. let's do this :coolgleamA:
If you want to eat ice cream, then eat it... Just limit the amount you eat.

If anything, this will help you out much more in the long run because you will have trained yourself to be able to control yourself as opposed to cutting it out completely and then totally binging out on it when it's around.

Cutting foods out completely will lead to failed weight loss and/or negative perception on food when what you want to do is learn how to control yourself so you can lose weight the healthy way. Remember, you need to change your lifestyle and habits - not just cut things out for x amount of time for sporadic weight control if you want lifelong success.