I want a NEW ME

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New member
Hi gang,

I want a New Me!! There are so many things that I want to do! I am 59, ok, make that 40 in my head (lol). I weigh 212, 5'7". I am now a 22/24. When I was once 150 as a teenager, I still wore an 18 so that's part of my lack of motivation. I see some people lose 25 lbs and they drop 6 dress sizes, so I think why bother. I know what works for me to lose 20 lbs of weight,, but I'm NOT starting for some reason. I have watched biggest loser for 8 seasons now, thinking something they would say would kickstart me. Part of me feels like it's impossible so it's easier to give up than to start. Right now I am so angry at myself for not doing what I know I need to do. I have been overweight since I was a kid and I am SO sick of being "the fat one". (maybe not sick enough). I have always used my weight as a protector and security blanket. I think I might even be afraid of losing it. I'm also know and am afraid that if I do lose the 80 lbs there will be all this deflated belly hanging down (like a mud flap) that it terrifies me! I carry 75% of my weight in my midriff and belly. Did anyone else have these feelings? How did you fight your own internal thoughts/fears and get off the thought track and onto the doing it track? God, all of this sounds so pitiful. (sorry) Any advice would really be helpful. Thank you so much!!
Dont get involved in any fad diets...there is no magic pill or drink. It takes work, hard work to get fit! You can do this, firstly you need to just believe in yourself!
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