I Urgently Need Help


New member
Hello everyone, my name is Roland and I'm from Los Angeles, California. I have a very urgent question and I hope I can get a serious answer, please only answer if you are absolutley sure that you're undoubtedly right.

I'm 5 feet 7 inches (1 meter 70 centimeters), 16 years old... I weigh 138 pounds (63 Kg). It seems that I do not have any weight problems of any kind but inedeed I do. I have a fat stomach (fat belly). I'm wondering what I should do to get rid of it. I have asked tens of persons, but no one gave me a certain answer. Some say I need to lose weight, some say I should do crunches and sit ups, two of the trainers at my local gym also didn't agree on one answer.

What should I do? Abdominal exercises or weight loss and why? Have you tried this method before?
Please reply here AND directly to my e-mail address roland.tarabay@hotmail.com

Thanks a million times in advance
