I took my son fishing tonight

Boy, I needed this. Deer season is coming up and we are building feeders. My friend lives out of town and has a few ponds on his property. So, tonight I took some stuff to him for the feeders. My son and I threw in our fishing equipment. Mind you, I love to fish but have let life get the best of me for the last few years and haven't touched a fishing pole. My son has never been much of a fisherman in his younger years and it kind of bothered me. But, when he was young I wasn't the most patient teacher. Well, tonight, everything clicked!!! I got to fish again and, best of all, my son really enjoyed himself. We probably caught 15 or so bass in the hour we fished. Best of all, he wants to do it again. It's amazing how getting back to what is really important can make life so much better. I just had to share. Thanks for reading, Greg
Cool man, my fella is still a little small for fishing but he still holds a little fish in his hand pretty happily.

I hope we do what you did when we are a little older.

Nothing like fishing to chill you out as well. Do you eat bass?
Usually I just catch and release. However, If we've got a pond that has tons and tons of little ones, we'll take quite a few out and fry them up for a meal. But, only if it's overstocked.

Last year in Lake Arrowhead (we have a weekend place up there) we were catching bluegill off the dock. I was holding one, about to release it, when I jokingly suggested to my 5 year-old daughter that she kiss it before we toss it back....and before I could say I was kidding, she went and kissed it!

That day, each fish we caught was promptly kissed before being tossed back. No doubt that lake still has some kissed-fish in it! She's still good-to-go on giving 'em a little love before tossing 'em back...too cute! :D

Those little fish are so easy....just buy the smallest darn hook you can find, bend-off the barb to make it easy to release and then just put a tiny chunk of ANYTHING on it...dabble it around about 20-inches below the surface and they come right up and instinctively bite & release it just to taste it....when they bite, just lift-up and you got yourself a fishy...and let me tell ya, those little things can put-up a surprising fight for their 4" size!!! Great time with the kids...memories for sure!
I make fishing and hunting a priority. My oldest loves to do both and I try to take him as much as possible.

Kudos to you for taking your son out. Its an experience he will always remember.
My dad never took me fishing. Thanks for bringing this up and making me feel bad about myself.

Hey now....my dad never took me fishing either. His idea of spending time with my brother and I was to go to his small plane and direct us on detailing it....and he'd leave us working while he went to get lunch. The only thing my dad ever gave me was a hard time and a sense of what kind of father I wouldn't want to be.

Build a bridge, throw him off it and then get over it. ;) :D
my dad took me fishing and hunting. But I also got my ass beat with a 2x4, extension cord, belt or whatever else was in reach. LOL

I remember when I took his belt away when I thought I was a bad ass with karate. I was at the bottom of the stairs holding my ribs and jaw before I knew what happend. :sport:
I'd have to confer with Kraken since he's the civil engineer. But I think he'd charge, and after having to wine and dine his mom...well, I'm broke.

I'm an architect not an engineer! LOL

Buy me a few drinks and a working girl and I'll build you a bridge.


No Eric I never beat up my dad. He always won. I actually thank him for kicking my ass now that I'm older. :biggrinsanta: