Sport i think i have an eating disorder. :[

Sport Fitness
i fast for days..and then i binge.
fast binge fast binge fast binge.
once i fast i cannot stop..
once i eat i cannot stop..
it makes me depressed..
but i love it. :/
i love the feeling of starvation.. pain.
it makes me feel alive.

this has effected my school work [ straight F's ]
this have effected my social life [ i don't talk ]
this has effected my family.. [ which has always been f ed up & they don't know about this disorder..or ANYTHING about me for that matter ]

i just..i have no one to tell..
to talk to.
no family.
no friends.
no anyone.
:( :( :(

so i stay in this world.
this f ed up world.
:( :mad:
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You need to seek professional help...
Go on the Anthony Robbins forum (not sure of the address) and some people there will give you advice.

It will be tough love though, you wont get anyone letting you wallow in self pity
You really need to get out of this vicious cycle! This is not the right way to get thin, believe me. I've been there. And jugding from what you just wrote down, you're the last person that needs to lose more weight. The coldness you feel is because of the rapid bodyfat loss. Believe it or not, thin people are feeling cold more often then their curvy friends.

The first thing you need to do is quit the fasting: this will also help you deal with the binging problem. Set up a diet for yourself that provides the nutrition your body needs. That means fruits and veggies, but also protein, carbs and fat. Eat 5/6 small meals a day. That way, your body will get the fuel it needs, your metabolism will stabilize and you'll stop feeling so hungry, which means: no more binging! or atleast a lot less often. You'll also start feeling less tired and be able to concentrate better. Because of your poor diet, I'd suggest you also get yourself some vitamin supplements, atleast until you've recovered from this.

It won't be easy, but the result will be worth it.
Don't be afraid of food. It's your ally, if you use it right. You can get that body you want, just not this way. Good nutrition and training (never overtrain though!), that's the key. And when you read around on the board you see that good nutrition is a diet atleast 1200 kcal.

Try to show your parents your efforts for eating right, and believe me, they'll quit nagging about your eating habits eventually. Remember, they're parents, they worry. And when they worry, they tend to make things worse instead of better.

If you have more questions or just want someone to talk to, I'm here and happy to help out.
You need some help from the professional side. PM me and I can refer you to someone who can help.........but you must stop what you are doing before you do harm.
Sup, Sup,

We are here to console and talk to you whenever you want, but you're not going to stop until you empower yourself and take control of yourself. My advice is to get someone close or someone professional to help you. A million hands can reach out to help you, but none of them will help if you don't take them and then learn to walk on your own.