I swim, but want bigger muscles, what do i need to take?

Hello, i am a Newbie

i am 6'9, and weight 17stone. I used to weigh however 23stone! but its was of the wobbly type. Now, i have lost this weight over about 18months, using various systems etc. then i got stuck... trying to get below 17stone... not happening!
So, i thought i would train... i love swimming! so, now i swim every day for an hour without fail been doing it 7weeks - and i push hard swimming! now, i have noticed lumps on my sholders and arms etc! so.... here comes the question, i still have a lil belly and i want to get rid of it but improve my mucsles at the same time. what does everyone suggest.

i diet as best i can! and atm only taking a lite fat burner, but i want to take stuff that increase my muscles but at the same TRIM-me-UP!
I have friends who have suggest creatine and protien suppliements with my regular exersize will sort me out. but i want to ask people who really know.

can any one help me.
Well that last bit round your gut is always the last and hardest to shift, you just gotta keep your diet strict, keep exercising swimming, weight training is great for losing weight. Dont waste money on fat burners seriously not worth it imo. The only thing you have to take is a little hard work and a lot of patience, sorry but i dont think there is a healthy quick fix to gettin cut abs n that.
Also you may be stuck on 17 stone because your puttin on muscle mass, thats something to be aware of, try measuring your fat % and see how it changes
If you measured 1cm3 of fat and 1 cm3 of muscle, The muscle would weigh only 0.2 g more. So therefore it is unlikely that you will be stalled because of muscle gain.

I lifeguard competitivly and swim alot, I know from experience what swimming does for you and my advice to you is to change your training.

As your body is put through training it adapts eg, Weight training the muscle adapts to the increase load being put on it therefore it gets bigger. Your body has probably adapted to swimming and is now beggining to flatline. Try something new running, cycling, weights