Weight-Loss I screwed up



New member
About a year ago I developed a fear of swallowing food. I was 200 lbs at 5'7, before it all started, and I lost about 45 lbs just purely not eating enough every day, and I lost it all so fast. I started getting headaches (low blood sugar), I stopped getting hungry, felt like I was dying.

Now I'm at about 165lbs, I have alot of bone and skin I have been exercising and trying to eat enough to gain weight, I don't know what to do though, how long will it take to get my muscle back? How unhealthy am I? I'm scared of what I've done. I don't know what to eat or exercise.
You should see a doctor and ask these questions to him/her.

We can't really assess your health status here and it's better if someone like a physician or nutritionist tell you what to do based on your current health situation. Especially since you are scared.
I really feel for you but Emerald is right this is probably something best discussed with doctors. I would suggest maybe setting an appointment with a doctor to see if you have any current health issues and also see a food counselor because unhealthy relationships with food like the one you described are dangerous and possibly deadly. However I'm sure with proper care and a plan you can correct everything assuming you find and correct whatever your underlying issue was. Best of luck
I'm not a fortunate man and can't throw money out just like that.

I went to the ER when it all started.
They did a barium swallow (liquid only) test and then said nothing is wrong. They did not test any solid swallowing, which has got me confused. That's the main problem right there.
Then I seen a family doctor and he ordered blood tests and said nothing was wrong there.

I have started to eat more n more foods cause of using a blender + water to liquify everything.

Half the problem is chewing cause i don't have many teeth. But I was able to eat everything before this started even burgers and hot dogs.

I just want some suggestions as far as diet, what kind of things should I blend up and
what kind of exercises I need to do. I've been doing situps squats and pushups for about 2 weeks and I have been moving up in reps so that's a good sign.
I feel your pain. It's easy to lose weight but to gain it back is an other story.

Don't worry! Just give yourself some time and you'll be fine.

Your metabolism is down. You will need to wake your body up.

Don't push too much. Your cardio should be not more than 30 minutes
Do it 3 times per week. The same with weight lifting. Maximum 3 times per week using light weights.

Your nutrition should be based on vegetables and fruits. Eat 5 times per day but small portions.

Your body needs time after the shock. You lost muscles because your body was on starvation mode.

Get almond nuts, soak them in water and you use them as a snack.

Start drinking Aloe Vera. It's fantastic for your immune system, blood and digestive system.

Concentrate on alkaline food. It's simple - you've been acidic that's why you lost your muscles.

If you need more details just contact me.
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I would think you'd want to eat good healthy food just like anyone losing weight. Except you get to add in MORE calories, MORE protein, and MORE good fats. Peanut butter banana & fruit/veggie smoothies with whey protein would likely be a good start. I say a general doc would be able to give you plenty of pointers without too much expense. Just think healthy carbs, healthy protein, healthy fats.
BTW- Just 'cause a few tests & one or 2 docas says "it's nothing" doesn't mean it's TRUE!!
It took me 4 years+, countless tests, and several specialists to get diagnosed with anything beyond carpal tunnel & tendinitis, or maybe hypocondria. Then it was suddenly "Wow, I think you have Ankylosing Spondylitis". Well, that's FABULOUS! Now that i am partially disabled. I even got to take chemo meds!! AND, NOW they say it's NOT AS, it's Rheumatoid Arthritis...so never just think "ok" they must know all because they are docs. Ha! If anything, TRUST YOURSELF & keep searching for an answer. GOOD LUCK!
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