I run, I lose weight.. my body visually stays the same

Hey there!
A year ago I was 5.5 feet tall and weighed around 163 lbs. That's when I started to get more tuned into my body:
I started to go running.. at first I was too enthusiastic, so I got problems with my muscles and hamstrings, but that's ok in the meantime
I started to develop my muscles.. not in the gym or so, only push ups, crunches and alike.. stuff you can do at home, I did't want to pay.
And last but not least I started to be aware of what I eat, when and how much of it.
By now I'm still around 5.5 tall but weigh only around 128 lbs. I obviously got slimmer, and I developed some cool muscles. Generally I'm pretty content with the way things developed.. I feel quite strong and in form.
Since about two months my body stopped to change in any remarkable way.. but there's still some fat left that I want to get rid of (belly!).. I reckon that it might just be more obstinate than the fat that was evenly distributed, since a lot of people seem to complain about it. My problem is, that if I don't see a change after some time I tend to get impatent- that results in exaggeration.. at least that's what my friends think. :D
What I find weird too is, that I lost weight over the last two months, but no muscles (I think) and (seemingly) no fat either.. I can't really locate it! I don't really know if I have reached a point that requires special treatment.
Oh! I haven't described my "program" yet!
Well, in general I exercize when I feel the need, which is pretty regularly the case. I go running in the woods every second day (not exactly, but in the average) for an hour or an hour and a half. I do push ups, lift weighs, do crunches and some stuff to keep my muscles at their level for around 10 mins every day. I love to exercize.. it's one of my biggest hobbies.. with music, uh yeah.
I'd consider my eating habits pretty "ordinary". But I don't like fast food.
Okay.. maybe to point it out again after a long story: I'm not really sure if I need to advance in any way if I want to get rid of those last pads of fat. I'm curious for all kinds of suggestions.
fat burns really really easily at first...but when you have just a bit it seems like it takes forever and it does, i'm not sure why but i'm sure somebody will give a more complex reason for it, I have the exact same problem except i rarely do cardio, but after this weekend i'm gonna hit it hard...
I see.. at the moment I'm not able to do anything since I'm sick and on antibiotics (angina, on the verge of middle-ear inflammation) for at least two weeks, by the way. Nasty.. it's such fine weather.
Thanks mate.. any more suggestions anyone?
you say your diet is ordinary? i try really hard to eat 6 smaller meals, more protein etc etc but i cant say im good 100% of the time.

i get exactly the same feeling as you regarding reaching a bit of a plateau. ive tried switching to a circuit training system for fat burning, but i always feel im missing something after doing a different system for a period of time.

in terms of looking different, you sound like your pretty trim, dont worry about having to see major results week to week. if you feel healthier and are stronger and fitter then i dont see what else you (and i!) can do unless you take it to the next, more extreme, level.
Yes, I'm pretty content with my fitness and my daily physical condition.. and the way I'm working out at the moment is fun and balances me. I mean there are days when I'm not 100%, for sure.. but compared to how I regularly felt a year ago it's a major change for good.
The next level.. that's the million dollar question for me.. where would that begin? Would I have to change my habits majorly, or does it only take more time the further you get.. probably.
I mean I could imagine that if you didn't want any visual fat pads anymore you'd need to change your diet.. no? Either change your diet or work out more. Then again I'm slowly losing weight, so probably I don't need to change anything.. maybe I should count up my average calories some time.
Thanks mate, wish you success and satisfaction.
It's possible that after so long, even if you train with high intensity, your body is , in a way, "used to" that kind of training. So it doesn't gain or lose anything. Maybe try a completely different HIIT routine and see if you get any results. If that doesn't work, go back to your normal routine, and you may see some changes due to depriving yourself from your initial routine. You sound to be in excellent shape though, so just keep working at it and consistently exercise like you already do.

What you say makes sense. If I only knew what HIIT means, though! ;)
I'm just thinking how I could change my routine.. you mean something different then going running? Can the body really get used to that? I will definitely continue to exercise since it's a very important part of my life meanwhile. Thanks for your advice!
HIIT is high intensive interval training. like wen u jog and then go for it and then jog and then go for it. its really knackering. really good!
ohhh I see, thanks! I love being knackered and going to my limits! Whenever there's enough time I get out of the city and go running in the woods where it's quite hilly and stuff.. that is kinda HIIT style.. going uphill, downhill, up again.. yeah I really like it. I also thought about riding my bike more often.. but I'm not sure about that because it doesn't seem THAT exhausting (except if I made it exhausting.. but I'd get pretty far, and I honestly wouldn't know where to ride.. and I couldn't really ride in the woods, which is a minus because I love to go there). The only real advantage I can see is that it doesn't strain the joints as much as running does. It would probably balance me.. What do you guys think of cycling?
If you want to lose tummy fat fast and effective you should use a high intensity cardio workout.
