No, I'm saying you should enjoy food whenever you wish, however you wish, and for how ever many you wish. The key to weight lost – thus a healthy you - is to enjoy everything you want while keeping in mind of moderation, variety, and balance. When you start thinking stuff like, "Uh-oh, I can't eat this because it has fat in it." You begin to stress out about food and thus the cycle of diet and binge eating and all that other trouble you had resurfaces. You should throw away the method of calorie counting, weight lost, and so fort, and instead concern yourself with the values of health and happiness. When you can achieve this in its pure form, you can maintain your healthy weight, be happy, and enjoy the food you want to enjoy without worrying about how many calories it has, how many fat grams it has, how many of whatever it has.
When you eat something, and afterwards think like this: "Man, that was good and I'm completely satisfied and my hunger has been satisfied." Then you have achieved greatness; something many before you failed to see.
When you eat something, and afterwards (or before) think like this: “Man, I already ate two hours ago, I shouldn’t be hungry, and this has a lot of fat and calories and if I eat it I’m going to never be able to keep this weight off.” Then you have failed to see the truth in yourself, and your failure is the same failure millions before you failed to see.
When your list of good/bad food is: “Good Food: Any food I like. Bad Food: Any food that is rotten or don't like.” Then you have achieved what many could not, and you achieved true health in food.
When your list of good/bad food is: “Good Food: Fat-free, trans-fat free, low calories, etc. Bad: Oily food, candy, cookies, fast food, etc.” Then you have failed to see the truth in yourself, and your failure is the same failure millions before you failed to see.
Note: I’m not saying go crazy and eat every single thing in sight. I’m saying use yourself as a guide to eating, and use yourself to know when you had enough, and use yourself to know when you should or should not be satisfied. If you go to a store and see “fat-free” product and it has the same taste of the regular product you like, then by all means go with the fat free one (ex. Fat free milk vs regular milk). Don’t worry about calories and that deal. Concentrate on working out hard, enjoy eating while keeping in mind of moderation, variety, and balance, and you’ll lead a wonderful rich life happy with yourself, and happy with what you can do.