I really need someone to turn me happy [ABS]

Hello everyone,
My name is Ramzi, I'm 18 Years old, i weigh like 75kgs..and i'm 1.80meters tall...
I always been to a gym and work work chest back bi tri everything run on threadmill etc...but i did no progress i dont see my muscles show..i haven't been to a gym for like 9 months beacuse of school but now i'm free but i don't want to go register to a gym and play like old times for nothing..what i want to know is will i ever make my abs appear? i dont say i have a belly it's a very small belly maybe just some fat hiding my abs i just wanna know EXACTLY what should I do to feel that my abs are begging to show...and if i wanna work my abs should i stop working out others muscles like chest and hands? or i can do all toghter? I hope some1 understands what i mean and help me thanks every1 :)

Btw I'm new to forums..
Hi Ramzi,
I do not know if you have got any further with your goal?
I have transformed my body several times, and allso had a really great sex pack before - With two different bodies.
First time was with big muscles, doing a total Hard Gainer training program
Second time was nearly 40 pounds less, training for Marathon and did not do any weight training
Same thing was for both of these times - I cared alot about my eating and did alot of cardio training.
All though when gaining muscles I did the cardio with musch more ease - Actually did power walk everymorning first thing - I felled like the fat burned of me.
Hope this helps you.
Best regards
Michael Morales - Happy Warrior and Hard Gainer
As mentioned above, the trick to getting a six pack is to lose fat rather than gain muscle - everyone has a six pack, but for most people it's just hidden behind a layer of fat. And the only way to lose fat is to burn more calories than you take in.

Having said that, there are a lot of benefits to gaining muscle - I was in roughly your position just over 2 months ago (6 foot 1, 82 kg, no visible abs). I started focusing on muscle gain, working one area each day (e.g. Chest and triceps one day, back and biceps the next) - obviously this adds a lot more mass than doing the whole body each day. When you're new to this kind of intense training, your body absolutely piles on muscle, which uses a lot of energy just to maintain itself. Obviously if you're burning a lot more energy naturally then you don't have to cut back on the food so much - I've kept the amount I'm eating constant, and have since kept my weight pretty constant . My pack is now just about visible when tensed, so it's getting there slowly, and I'm going to get off my backside and actually do some cardio soon...

So it is definitely possible, but make sure you go about it in the right way, read around the forums for some good workouts for size gain, and focus on that. If you're not starting to see some abs within a month or so then up the cardio and you'll get there.