I really need help with weight gain, please

Hi guys

Im 18, male, 60kgs, just under 6ft

I really need help with gaining weight. I'm really getting depressed about it! I've seen photos of myself recently and feel incredibly embarrassed!
I have tried to gain weight before but stopped because i saw no results.

I only get in about 2-3 meals a day and almost no snacks in between.
I dont no what to eat! and im never really hungry enough to eat.

I really need some advice on what to eat, and also what exercises i could do at home because i do not want to go to the gym, i would be to embarrassed.

So please take the time to help me out, i would really appreciate it!!

-thank you
Diet can be simple, food pyramid for balance and eat more or less depending on your goal. There are complex programs etc. but to keep it easy to manage this works.
I find browsing is good for increasing intake, so much so I never stopped doing it. While at work I have a lunch box full of food and keep eating steadily throughout the day.
Training programs can only be tailored if we know what you have available, your fitness level and experience. I have given beginners programs to people based on using a gym or virtually no equipment, as have many here.
Gyms can be intimidating, personally I never cared, but I am weird. Everyone started somewhere, none of the shaved or unshaved apes in gyms were born that way, they worked up to it. I was pathetically scrawny at first, no-one cared. I was largely ignored at first, because so many start and quit, once you are identified as there to stay, you will find yourself made welcome, regardless of your size etc.