I really need advice

I need help in my workout. At the moment i am not very strong i can manage 3 sets of 10 pushups and can only do 1 pullup 2 if i take a jump start. So not very strong at all. So im in a little trouble, i have applied to be a firefighter and when i went to visit the station these quys made 2 of me. I am about to take the written exam in a couple of days, but i dont want to blow the physical so its important that i can do as much strength training as i can to pass this. But this is where it gets a little confusing when i try to make my own routine, I am also a Martial Artist so i dont want big impractical muscles, so i can maintain flexibility but i want to be able to do 20 pullups easily.

Right now its more important to for me to do strength training so i can become a firefighter but im trying make up a good routine and could use a little help. I want to incorporate Isometric, Plyometric, aerobic, cardio and strength gaining in one week With one day as a rest day. I don't no if i can incorporate isometric and weight lifting in 1 days training or if i should split them to different days. Or should i do wight training and plyometric in one day and isometric another, is it better to use weights with isometric? these are the questions that kind of need to be asnwerd before i can make myself a proper routine. Also there's the fact i need to rest my muscles

I have a gym membership and at the moment im just going lifting some wights till i exhaust my upper body muscles then getting heavier weights and like a bench press for example i hold the weight just above my chest for a long as i can for resistance, then next day doing some cardio or interval running.

Here's a youtube clip that i would like to acheive myself

Can anyone offer some advice?
If your goal is to be a firefighter then you need to build overall strength. Upper body training alone will not do it. I'd suggest the following: M W F do 3 sets of squats, deadlifts and bench press. Start with a weight that will allow you to do 6 reps. When you can do 6 reps for all 3 set then add some weight. On the off days do some cardio, 30 to 60 minutes. These 3 exercises will work just about every muscle group and give you a good balance.
Good luck.
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If your goal is to be a firefighter then you need to build overall strength. Upper body training alone will not do it. I'd suggest the following: M W F do 3 sets of squats, deadlifts and bench press. Start with a weight that will allow you to do 6 reps. When you can do 6 reps for all 3 set then add some weight. On the off days do some cardio, 30 to 60 minutes. These 3 exercises will work just about every muscle group and give you a good balance.
Good luck.

That is good advice. And don't worry about buiding too much muscle that it will ruin your flexibility. It is VERY difficult to build large muscles naturally. And the whole 'musclebound' thing is pretty much a myth anyhow. Look at the physique of male gymnasts. They have plenty of muscle, and they are pretty darn limber. My friend runs a Kung Fu and MMA school, and he hits the weights hard every day, and is still about as flexible as gumby.
Look at crossfit. Pay 25 bucks for the journal subscription. Join the nearest box. But don't expect results in the next couple of days
Hey man,

Your overall fitness levels are going to be very important. The better your overall fitness level is the better you will be able to do everything else. The best way to raise your fitness level is GPP.

Range of motion and hip mobility will also be very important for you. If your going to be a firefighter you need to think of your self as an athlete.

For hip mobility work you squat, but the best way is using hurdles.

You should be squatting three times a week. Here are some other great lower body exercises
hi-box step ups
bulagarian split squats

Your core will also be very important. The best way to strengthen that up is with planks.

If you have any further questions, please ask. You need to be in the best possible shape if you want to be a fire fighter.
Hey, Goodluck! The most important thing for you would be to stick with bodyweight exercises until you achieve more strength, don't jump into the heavy stuff or that will result in injury. There is a good website with overall fitness tips called, thefitips.com , I recommend checking that out! hope it goes well.