I Ran!!


New member
Ok, sounds silly, i know, but this a a HUGE deal to me!!!

even in my best shape, i have NEVER been able to run. i have never in my life even attempted to run on a treadmill, but something possessed me to try it yesterday.

i started by telling myself that i would try 5 minutes straight... well that came and went, so i upped it to ten. :) i ended up doing the entire 20 minutes!!! :eek: i ran 1.5 miles (this from the girl that used to not be able to run the length of one street!) for 20 minutes straight! no breaks! it ended up being a 13 minute mile, which i know isn't the fastest, but i am still so proud of myself!!! :D
Awesome. great job!! Just dont push yourself too far but its sounds like it was a walk in the park for you... congratulations!
Good job!

I am proud of you! I used to run reguraly and am just getting back into it. Nothing beats the high you feel after you've ran. I always feel like wonder woman!
Awesome! I know the feeling of pushing yourself past what you expected to be able to do! It's a wonderful feeling. Great job! Keep it up! :D
Well done daiseeangel! That IS a huge deal - been there myself. When I started out with weight loss, I could run - but not 'far' without getting out of breathe. I would blame it on my asthma or my age - but really, it was because I was unfit. I started out with walking, then started to add some short jogging sessions into the walks. Then I bought some running shoes, tracksuit trousers - a jogging belt for the dog, and I was away.

I now run with Wolfy twice each week - 2 to 5 miles each time. The first mile is always a little hard (having a big strong husky pulling you doesn't always help), but then Wolfy calms down, I slow down to a jog, and my body goes into a running mode - then I can carry on for miles without stopping. The great thing is how good it makes me feel. Both during and after the run - I feel great.

Either walk for a while before you run, or spend 15 minutes doing warm up exercises. And don't forget to do your stretches after a run. Otherwise you might soon get your first running injury :(

Congratulations and thanks for sharing that experience with us daiseeangel.
thank you so much for the responses!!

the best part was that i never thought in a million years that i could actually do it, and proving myself wrong just felt amazing!! :)

thank you so much for all the kind, motivating words!!
Way to go daiseeangel! I remember when i walked my first mile on the treadmill, it was such a huge thing for me, because there was a time that 3 minutes made it almost impossible to breath. Im far far far from running, but each step forward is a good one. I look forward to seeing your progress, its inspiring.
Michelle :)
Congratulations - that is incredible! I am working on being able to run myself. Right now I can only do about 90 seconds, then 30 seconds walking, then another 90 jogging. That for 20 minutes just about kills me :)
Great job! I remember how elated I was when I could finally run the loop around my house (1.5 mi) without stopping. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you ran it, as long as you RAN!
great job! congrats.. i dont really enjoy running, alone especially; but whenever i run i feel a great sense of satisfaction and the adrenaline just keeps me going.. well done and keep up the good work! =)