I need support!


New member
Hello everyone,
I posted a quick note yesterday, but I'm not sure if I did it properly or not!
My name is Megan. I am a mother of three littlies (3yr,2yr & 5mth) and I am keen to get back to my old self. I am absolutely terrified of dieting as I don't seem to have an ounce of will power. And I am tired of never quite getting there - you know losing 3 or 4 kilos and then giving up. It has only worked aganist me as now I have to lose a grand total of 25-30 kilos. It just seems like a huge effort and I don't know where to start. I was thinking of doing Dr Cohen's program but I am afraid of the temptation that comes with preparing family meals and social outings. It's excuse after excuse isn't it!!! But if I can see results quickly and know that I will keep the weight off I am ready to do it. I would love to receive some advice from any of you. I think this forum is a great idea as I really don't have anyone close to me who understands the daily fight you have, with yourself in particular, when you are overweight. I have 5 sister's all whom are skinny and very attractive - I'm tired of being the fat sister.
I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for your time.
Megan who 8-2Much!
Hi Megan!! Welcome to the family! :) This is the third time I've used this quote today, but I want to share it with you as well..." A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." And you've made it!!

My advice would be to set small goals, don't look at it as needing to loose 30 kilos, that makes it feel unattainable. Start small and work your way up, try setting a weekly or monthly goal and working toward it. It feels good to get some success intially, it gives you the boost to keep going!

Best of luck to you! Consider starting a diary on here so we can all stop in and encourage you!
If you are terrified of dieting, then don't think of this as a diet... this is a LIVE IT!!! I think many of us have learned the hard way that diets really aren't effective long term... you want to permanently change your eating habits.

You start by saying.. you want to change your habits... and if you change your families habits with you -- all the better... It's never a bad thing for children to have healthy eating habits... they shouldn't be counting calories as such, but they should learn about making healthy choices... so what mom eats - tehy can eat.

Why don't you trot down to the diaries section and start yourself up one- it's a great place to record your triumphs (which you will have many) and your challenges (which we'll offer lots of support and encoruagement to get you thru)

Relax - -you're gonna do fine.. youve already made the first step

If you are looking at Cohens- check out the thread below:

I'm sure the lovely folks in there would be happy to answer any questions for you
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I completely agree with Malficent! I see it as changing my eating habits and NOT dieting. I've completely changed the way my daughter and I eat. And I let her help me make good choices about what we should cook (or buy, when I'm feeling lazy) and she keeps me in check....even when I'd rather she didn't. :D We still treat ourselves every now and then but for the most part we've made lots of changes...and it's a definite "work in progress." lol ...so don't feel like it has to happen overnight.
Thank you so much for getting back to me. I feel inspired already! I am familiar with that quote and it has gotten me through some tough times already - so onward and upward hey!
Thanks again and a diary sounds like a great idea. I have an appointment on Wednesday evening to work out a weight loss program so I hope that goes well. Keep a look out for me.
8-2much! said:
Thank you so much for getting back to me. I feel inspired already! I am familiar with that quote and it has gotten me through some tough times already - so onward and upward hey!
Thanks again and a diary sounds like a great idea. I have an appointment on Wednesday evening to work out a weight loss program so I hope that goes well. Keep a look out for me.

I SURE WILL!!! Go get 'em! :D

I'd love to hear how it goes. While the gym is great, don't feel limited to that. You've got some little ones with lots of energy, running behind them at the park or in the back yard is a work out in and of itself! Chasing butterflies, kicking a ball...it all counts!
Welcome, Megan. I love your handle!!