I need help


New member
I NEED to loose 25 pounds by May 19th. I will be a senior in high school next year and I don't want to spend another summer making up excuses not to go to the beach. I already bike between 3-5 miles a day which burns about 200 calories. I need help on deciding on a diet, strength training and other exercises, and mental things to help me get motavated while I'm in the gym or having to make food choices. Basically mental things to help me stay on track. 25 pounds by May 19th is a reasonable goal I just despartely need help obtaining it. I AM going to enjoy my summer this year I just need help and support to get there! any help at all is so greatly apperciated! Help me change my life! :eek:
Veggies, veggies, veggies, skinless chicken and fish, like salmon or tuna. No cheeses, condiments like mayo, sodas, breads or carbs. Count your calories religiously and generously, they add up fast. 25 lbs in 2 months? If you want it you can do it. And plenty of water and some exercise.
No bread or carbs??:eek: :D

It's like a stab in the heart!;)
I know how many no-carb people there are, so don't smack me...
but there's nothing wrong with bread or carbs IMO, it's your main souce of energy!
I wouldn't dig into a loaf of white bread though. Wheat bread is good!
Just make a switch and be careful where you're carbs come from I would say.
Keep a balance but most of your caloires IMO need to come from carbs....especially during your teenage years!!

Ride your bike, jog, walk,swim, rollerblade etc. find an activity you really enjoy if possible!!

kzplano said:
No bread or carbs??:eek: :D

It's like a stab in the heart!;)
I know how many no-carb people there are, so don't smack me...
but there's nothing wrong with bread or carbs IMO, it's your main souce of energy!
I wouldn't dig into a loaf of white bread though. Wheat bread is good!
Just make a switch and be careful where you're carbs come from I would say.
Keep a balance but most of your caloires IMO need to come from carbs....especially during your teenage years!!

Ride your bike, jog, walk,swim, rollerblade etc. find an activity you really enjoy if possible!!


Yeah you're right. I guess what I should have said is most of our stored fat in america most likely comes from carbs, so you have to be careful with them. Avoid simple carbs like sugar, refined flours. Try to eat only complex carbohydrates, like that found in a baked potato or other natural plant foods. Even most wheat breads are not 100% unrefined wheats and grains.
Run at least one mile a day but do it every single day! Don't ever skip otherwise you gotta plus its length the other day. hehe. :)

Drink water as much as possible as I have read from some magazines that it helps losing weight becuz it can help your body burn those stuffs you have eaten each day.

Eat veggies of any kind every single day with various fruits.

Try to avoid cabrohydrate stuffs especially white bread - good source to get you put on weights.

Try grains sometimes too, to make your body stay healthy and get some non-choresterol fat becuz some vitamins need to be melted by some fat, ya know.

Sleep enough. Let loose, don't stressed-out.

You can do it! becuz at least I can lose weight 10 lbs within a month, now you have like almost two months to lose!

Good luck!
