I Need Help Setting up a routine!

I am 16 years old and i want to be very fit!!I am 5'8 in height and i am 140pounds.I need to find a good routin i can do everytime i go to the gym,and i need to know how long should i workout per day and how many days in a week i should workout.I was also wondering is there a way i can increase flexibility? Please post Your opinions,thanks
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flexibility is important. stretch for 10 minutes before and after your routine and hold each stretch for about 10-15 seconds.

as for your workout, knowing what your goal is helps. I've been coaching ball for 10 years and i don't allow my kids to work out in a gym until they are at least 18 (and stop growing). That said, they still have a very vigorous work out plan with plyometrics, running stairs, push ups, sit ups, etc.
i need help!

I heard that if ur 16 its fine to workout just not 15 and under.I play sports mostly every 3rd day,mostly on weekends,which is good since thats my cardio.My main plan is to gain muscles,mainily on my upper body,and to gain some flexibilty.Can u help me come up with routins on what i should do,also can u please post it in point form in order,because its easier for me to understand.Thanks.
the way i improved my flexibility was doing yoga, it was relaxing and could see noticable improvement in my back and legs within a couple weeks
what kind of equipment do you have at the gym?