Weight-Loss I need food to pack in my backpack for my day



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So I am currently in college and am gone from home 1pm-10pm. With that said I am able to get breakfast and lunch eaten at home, but after that I am stuck with eating at school. Lets just say that I am poor student that is still living with his family, and my best solution is to bring food with me.

I am looking for food that I can bring that doesn't need to be warmed up, so I am aiming towards packaged foods, bars, things like that. If anyone could give me some guidance on this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

To sum up the above...what are the healthiest on-the-go food I can bring with me to eat.
I was much the same in college.

Staples for me included:

Tuna or chicken wraps
PB&J sandwiches
Whey protein
Pre-cooked rice

Boring. But got the job done for me.
so I am aiming towards packaged foods, bars
Relying on packaged foods isn't your best best... Not to mention economical...

Get a package of ziplock or glad sandwich size or snack size baggies and make your own packaged foods... Most foods will keep for a while without refrigeration (except mayo based stuff)
If you invest in an insulated lunch bag and add a freezer brick or frozen drink bottle you will be able to take salads, wraps and all sorts of healthy options.

I do this when out with my children for an entire day in the Australian heat and have never had a problem with my food going bad.
My list will include:

Beef Jerky
Lara Bars (the cashew cookie flavor, this is a clean bar. ingredients are dates and cashews. that is it.)

Hope this helps.

soy joy bars( I only like apple)
goji berries
green sunflower seeds

Preparing food the night before will be the best idea though.
Oh yea, how am I forgetting jerky!

We used to make our own in college. Good stuff.
It wasn't hard at all. We had a smoker... just throw it in and let it go.

Animal lovers close your ears....

Our neighbor was a hunter. We'd pay him each semester to kill us a deer and we'd have it butchered into cuts of meat we requested. We'd pay the neighbor 100 bucks... well worth it!
I've got a similiar problem. I'm going to be having to eat both my lunch and dinner out of the home tuesday and thursdays (class from 3-10, then work from 11 - 7) and both need to be able to thrown together quick and last all day in my backpack.

I'm thinking PB&J, almonds, and chicken sandwich or maybe some microwavable soup or noodles.
I like to take pasta to work with me but it really depends if you can eat it cold. I normally put in some peas, brocoli, carrots, mushroom and chicken so its not as boring.
My school had a lounge specifically for commuters. If your school has that then there should be at least a microwave and fridge.
pre popping 100 cal packs of popcorn is a good trick for me.
Esp when i'm goign somewhere where I know other people will be eating out or whatever.
Its not the most nutritous thing to bring with you, but its great in a craving crunch and easy to tote :)