Hello this is my first time postin on this forum, hopefully i can get some good advice because i dont know that many people in my life that work out or that know how the body works. Well i just started running and working out with dumbells while eating healthy and doing crunches. I am 18 years old 5'7 140 lbs and i sortha have fat on my stomach (alot of the fat is mostly on the sides) and i want to loose it and get a nice six pack before the summer. I bought this protein shake at the GNC store its called Muscle Milk and i just started using it. Right now i am drinking alot of water and not eating like i used to, so i am wondering what would be the best way for me to see some results or someone telling me a good schedule of when to drink the protein and if i should work out more then running or should i keep the same diet i had before. One last question can you take protein shakes and Xenadrine at the same time?(or is Xenadrine for people trying to loose alot of weight) I am really sorry if i am not making any sence at all but i am trying my best to learn then to take some wrong pills and end up getting hurt. Any help would be nice and thanks alot guys