Weight-Loss I need advice on my diet.



New member
According to online calculators I should eat around 2050 calories a day in order to lose around 1.5lbs a week, except I can't get myself to eat even 1800 calories a day, and I'm wondering if when I hit a plateau how hard it would be to get around it seeing I won't have much calorie room to move.

Also, when I calculate my calories for the day, like today, I feel I will only be able to eat the 1762 calories I planned for, and that was adding a soda so that I had more calories (empty calories are still calories right?)... and also, I'm having trouble calculating the amount of calories I should have, and not going over the amount of cholesterol, fat, protein, fiber, and sodium that I need.

I'm not even sure the amounts of cholesterol, fat, protein, fiber and sodium that I'm allowing myself are correct. I'm trying to limit cholesterol to 150mg, fat to 60g, protein to anywhere around 60-100g, fiber no less than 25g, and sodium under 3000mg.

I need advice on this please!

I weigh 277lbs, I'm 5'3", F, 22 years old, if that helps with any advice that anyone can give me, thanks!

Also, I'm going to start trying to exercise (cardio) at least a half hour a day, or a hour every other day.
Dont get too hung up on a specific number... the online calculators will give you an approximate.. and that's it -there's no one size fits all formula...

YOu do want to eat as many calories as you need while still losing weight -as when you're down 50/75/100lbs - you're going to need to adjust those calories to give yourself some wiggle room to go down.

Focus on your protein figure and the rest should fall into place.

Filling in with soda I think is a bad thing to start doing -if you want the soda - have it -but don't hae it jsut because you're low on calories... spend more time planning your day out so you aren't super short on calories at the end of the day..

In weight loss i the media there's a stickied thread -that gives you a very basic formula -having you take your weight and multiply it by a specific number based on your activity level.. start there and adjust based on hwo your body responds
2400mg of sodium is the highest recommend amount I've seen and I sure try to stay under that. It's hard to do but you really need to because too much leads to high blood pressure, hypertension, hardening of the arteries, among other things most detrimental to your overall health.

Look at the My Pyramid website, it's quite informative and should give you most of the information you seek. Just search My Pyramid and you'll find it.
I think this calculator is giving approximate reading, it mainly depends on your need of body.