I need a Pre workout energy supplement with no creatine

My Parents wont let me take creatine, which is breakin my balls. I recently have been using No Xplode which was amazing , it pumped me up , but it has creatine in it and my folks wont let me buy it. So are there any supplements out there , that will pump me up like no xplode , but without creatine..

Ps . Caffine pills are out of the question.
Get someone to smack you.

lol, just go lift. You don't need the placebo effect.
whey protein.
why won't they let you take creatine? lol oh well...
what exactly are you looking for though? just muscle gain?
dextrose and other simple carbs (basically sugar) will elevate your insulin levels enough to promote muscle rebuilding and ultimately "pump you up"
what i do is throw some whey protein in with some milk, and some carnation instant breakfast (lots of whey protein, and a tablespoon of carnation instant breakfast to be specific) and i throw a tablespoon of creatine in too. if i were you i would do the same (minus the creatine) and drink 1/3 of it during the workout and 2/3 of it after you're done.
also, keep hydrated because a hydrated muscle burns more sugar and less... well muscle. also, the colder the water the better, because cold water is very thermogenic. (it cools down the body, forcing it to burn more calories, fat and carb calories.)
On non-work days, I'll have a bowl of Oatmeal w/ fruit 1.5 hours before gym time, then a cup of chocolate milk and a raspberry choco chip cookie 45mins before gym time.

On work days, I'll have a shake made with yogurt, milk, casein, CC, Nat PB, and no sugar added hot cocoa mix.

In short, you want carbs before the gym.

Oh God, it's magic in a can. Rockstar is single-handedly getting me through school. It's totally worth the heart palpitations.
wait, they let you take NO explode, but not creatine?

wtf is wrong with your parents. bring them to the site, I'd love to educate them on what creatine is and isn't, and how it works.
I dunno well like i told them , but they still say its bad for a 16 year old to be taking- Isn't rockstar just like an energy drink? like redbull.

n.e way , ill try the whey protein , so like Ill make a shake with just like 1 scoop and just drink 1/3 before a workout and 2/3 after...
wait, they let you take NO explode, but not creatine?

wtf is wrong with your parents. bring them to the site, I'd love to educate them on what creatine is and isn't, and how it works.

No they wont let me take noexplode cause there is creatine in it.... I would love to be able to take it
I dunno well like i told them , but they still say its bad for a 16 year old to be taking- Isn't rockstar just like an energy drink? like redbull.

Yeah but you were looking for an energy booster? Right there, man. If you're drinking a protein shake preworkout, and expecting that to give you the same effects as caffene, then you're looking at two differnet things.