i need a football work out routine

ok so heres the deal im 15 ill be 16 next year and ive played football for 1 season when i was 12 then i got into baseball well ill give u my body weight fat and all that god stuff im 6'2 165 lbs im 19% body fat and i can bench around 185 i just did 150 calf raises bout 5 min ago and if u need anything else just tell me
o and dont give me a gym work out plan cuase i cant afford the gym
join da teem an do wut da cooch say alzo 150 caf razin is not vry prodctiv so keep da numburz lo alxo ur deity deepending on how much u wrok oot u ned 2 wrok out a lot if ur gonna follw a god diety and plus read the froum bcuz dere iz a lot of ur qusetions answered alraeedty