Sport i need a football diet

Sport Fitness
i need a good diet for football next year i need to be bigger when it comes to muscle mass and i already posted a threat for that but i was wondering if u guys could help me out on the meal part
ok first u ned 2 stop eatin crabs b cuz cabrs r bad but u alzo ned gud carbz leik complrx crabs eat a lot of htat aslo proteen u ned protten if u wanna be kewl k u also sad u wunt 2 get biggr lol dont 4get 2 work out you need a lot of rist eat a lot of kaloryz 2 get big i am takin leik 2500 and mor kalorys a day dat is a lot incase udk dats leik sic mealz a dai lmao yeh i knoe also actually dats bot it gud luk

PS I don't take much kindly to "threats" that are posted.
o lol i was like me posting a threat :eek: