Weight-Loss I need a diet!



New member
Hey all. I'm new to the forums and I really need help on a diet!

I don't know where to start really. I've read a lot of stuff on diets and such but I'm still pretty confused (I know the common thing like stay away from junk food of course). I've been counting calories for the past month but it only works a little, and I find myself still hungry. I know that eating small meals but more meals is supposed to help but I honestly don't know what to eat in those small meals. I also plan to incorporate whey protein into my diet because I have been running and lifting weights for the past month.

I weight about 183 pounds. (haven't checked in a week). And my height is 5'6''.

Let me know what you guys think!

Diets are different for every goal and lifestyle. So what are your goals? And what kind of eating habits does your lifestyle prescribe?
Well my goal is to get down to losing body fat. I know losing weight and body fat is different. But I wanna get down to the 150-160 area. A weight I haven't been since my freshman year of high school. (5 years ago). Kinds of eating habits.. I'm not sure really.. I just want to feel full through the day without craving extra food even if I've eaten my share of food for the day. I want a diet that will fuel me through a full day (7am-10pm). Something easy I can prepare from my kitchen the night before. I'm a college student, so I have classes in the early morning that goes until 4pm and on mondays goes until 9pm. I have a couple breaks here and there so hopefully if I prepared something the night before, I can eat. So any suggestions on what kinds of food for which meal of the day?
Well my goal is to get down to losing body fat. I know losing weight and body fat is different. But I wanna get down to the 150-160 area. A weight I haven't been since my freshman year of high school. (5 years ago). Kinds of eating habits.. I'm not sure really.. I just want to feel full through the day without craving extra food even if I've eaten my share of food for the day. I want a diet that will fuel me through a full day (7am-10pm). Something easy I can prepare from my kitchen the night before. I'm a college student, so I have classes in the early morning that goes until 4pm and on mondays goes until 9pm. I have a couple breaks here and there so hopefully if I prepared something the night before, I can eat. So any suggestions on what kinds of food for which meal of the day?

What are your favorite foods? Have you seen a doctor lately and had blood work or a physical?
Try eating every 4-5 hours. So have breakfast, lunch and dinner and if you go more than 4-5 hours between a meal have a snack.
You might want to consider the healthy plate method. Cut your plate in half and fill it with non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, tomatoes, salad, etc.). On one quarter of the plate put some protein (3oz for meats - size of a deck of cards) and on the last quarter a starch (1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup of beans, 1/4 cup of cooked pasta or rice, etc). Then add a low fat milk or yogurt and a small fruit. Lots of great foods with not too many calories, plus it gives you a nice balance of protein, fat and carbohydrate.
At snacks, I would suggest one serving of protein and one serving of a carbohydrate. For example, 1 small apple + 1 tblspn of peanut butter or 6 crackers and 1oz of tuna or 1oz of light cheese and 17 grapes.
Hope that helps!