Sport I need a Bulking Meal Plan

Sport Fitness
Hey guys..I'm looking to seriously bulk up (very committed) and need a very good meal that is high in protein and calories..I don't mind how many grams of fat are in it because i don't mind gaining some fat..heres a little info about me...20yrs old..5'8..145lbs(skinny) please guys if you could, give me the best meal plans you can think lookin to take in around 300g of protein so keep that in mind. ill be drinking protein shakes as well around twice a day...but only if it fits in with my meal plan.

And I will be working out 5 days a week using heavy weight around 8-12 reps each 3 sets of each around 5 exercises a day..

I want to gain around 20lbs within the next 2-3 months.

your help is much appreciated.
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In order to bulk carbohydrates are king. You must be careful with protein as too much of it can damage your kidneys and fats are super important because they get used in the production of hormones like testosterone and we all know that's the ultimate muscle building hormone. I'd say for you it would be best to take in 3000 calories a day. This amount is way above your basil metabolic rate I'm guessing which is what you need to bulk.

I'm assuming you know to eat consistently, like 6 small meals a day instead of about 3 large ones. So in order to bulk you need 6 meals at 500 calories each. The ratio of macronutrients in which these calories are made up is about 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat.

A good and safe way to determine how much protein you need in a day is to take your weight and multiply it by 2. Once you have this amount in grams mutliply it by 4 (there are 4 calories in 1 gram of protein) now that you have the amount of protein you need for a day you can work out how much of the other macronutrients you need. One thing you must remember, and I've said it before, when bulking carbs are king!!

Below is a sample bulking diet, you can remix it as much as you want and try keep in mind what I've said above. Good Luck :)

7:30 breakfast
Generous serving of oats with skimmed milk
Large banana
350ml of egg whites cooked
Tbsp of flaxseed oil
Fruit juice or hot beverage

200g of tinned tuna
150g long grain brown rice
Generous serving of mixed veg

Chicken breast
Large baked potato
Item of fruit, such as an apple or pear

Serving of a protein blend product /or lean steak
150g wholemeal pasta
Mixed nuts and seeds

30 minutes before training
20g of whey protein in water

Post workout
40g of whey protein with 50g of dextrose or maltodexrin

200g of cooked salmon
250g sweet potato
Serving of veg

Tub of cottage cheese /or serving of protein blend
Serving of oats with skimmed milk
Thanks a lot!

This is exactly what I need. I just need help of figuring out what foods are good for bulking up so I can make a 7 day meal plan with an assortment of foods and fruits and what not. I also wonder..can I do this 6 days a week and have the 7th(sunday) be a kind of a "cheat" day, as in eat whatever I want not worrying about calorie and protein intake?

Thanks alot!
Yeah you can have the 7th day as a cheat day, although do put a little bit of conscious thought into keeping the macronutrient ratios round about the same. Some good bulking foods are all kinds of meat, complex carbs such as pasta, potatoes, rice and then your veggies are important. Avo's and nuts are great becuase they contain a very high amount of fat so you're getting a large amount of calories from a relitively small helping.
as im trying to put on lean muscle would that be considered bulking? if not what kind of meal plan would you recomend for me? i currently workout 4 days a week but that will be reduced now that my baseball season is starting and idk if ill be able to get to the gym more than 1 or 2 times a week because of practice after school and still having to get home and do homework. will my meal plan need to change on non workout days?