Weight-Loss I Lost 8 lbs In 1 Week



New member
Been on the Bodychef Premier diet plan for 2 weeks now, lost 9 lbs.

The diet proportions are nice and big and keep me going all day.

It doesn't even feel like I am on a diet the food is all fresh and very tasting.

It is £93 a week but that only works out to £13 a day. It includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert and all the sides and condiments.

Id recommend the plan to anyone i have referred a few of my friends and they love it too.
The hard part isn't losing the weight it's keeping it off. Wait awhile.
Ya, I would say maintaing the loss would be a huge struggle. Just the same as those liquid bariatric diets norfast etc.. they restrict your diet to about 500 cal a day. Then when you are done and are back to reality.. boom the weight is back on plus more, usually. You have to learn to cook healthful meals, by doing your own meal planning and educating yourself. Those diets have never worked for me in the long run.
The hard part isn't losing the weight it's keeping it off. Wait awhile.

Please don't be so cynical and pessimistic.

If your diet has been working with you so far, then I am confident in your ability to keep it up. Try not to deviate to far from the diet plan, and don't rely entirely on your nutrition. Ensure you get 20 minutes of exercise per day, and you should be able to keep the weight off. :)
Who's being cynical and pessimistic? It's the truth. I didn't say it in a mean or harmful way, I just think it's a good thing to remember that slow and steady wins the race.

And besides, that one post wonder was just blatantly spam advertising one of the dime a dozen fad diet plans anyways.
Weight Loss with Low Calorie Food will never sustain

Losing 8 pounds in a week is possible with a very low calorie diet. However remember that you will be losing your healthy muscles and not your fat, which is not healthy to your body.
Your body goes into a starvation mode once you cut down in calorie. During starvation mode our body stores fat reserves and starts burning muscles to satisfy the daily energy requirement.
Muscles are responsible for our body metabolism. Depletion of muscle means decrease in body metabolism. Once you start your normal diet, your body does not consume all the calories you consume as your metabolism is very low due to your low calorie diet (starvation). This results in accumulation of extra calories in the form of fat in your body. It can be understood that the low calorie diet has thus resulted in conversion of muscle into fat which is unfortunate and not at all desirable.
Losing 8 pounds in a week is possible with a very low calorie diet. However remember that you will be losing your healthy muscles and not your fat, which is not healthy to your body.
Your body goes into a starvation mode once you cut down in calorie. During starvation mode our body stores fat reserves and starts burning muscles to satisfy the daily energy requirement.
Muscles are responsible for our body metabolism. Depletion of muscle means decrease in body metabolism. Once you start your normal diet, your body does not consume all the calories you consume as your metabolism is very low due to your low calorie diet (starvation). This results in accumulation of extra calories in the form of fat in your body. It can be understood that the low calorie diet has thus resulted in conversion of muscle into fat which is unfortunate and not at all desirable.

Actually, muscle mass does not have the greatest effect on metabolism when you compare it to the effect hormones have on our metabolism, including thyroxine, leptin, and a host of others.

"In a broad sense, a metabolic disorder is any disease that is caused by an abnormal chemical reaction in the body's cells. Most disorders of metabolism involve either abnormal levels of enzymes or hormones or problems with the functioning of those enzymes or hormones. When the metabolism of body chemicals is blocked or defective, it can cause a buildup of toxic substances in the body or a deficiency of substances needed for normal body function, either of which can lead to serious symptoms."

Plus, muscle cannot turn into fat.
Hmm sounds to good to be true I like proactol better