i lost 44 pounds in three months


New member
hi, I'm new here
okay I lost 44 pounds 8)
I'm 6ft 5 and in my late teens
I started my diet and workout on september 1st, I weighed 231 pounds then and my target was to lose as much as possible before the end of the year.
I weigh 187 pounds now and I look pretty lean :) ..everyone is suprised.
but I'm not that satisfied as my
abs are not well pronounced ..maybe I need to gain muscle or lose more fat I don't know... what do you think?

(pictures attached)
Wow, that is impressive to say the least. My goal similarly is to lose roughly forty pounds before summer (so I have a little more than three months). I also am much shorter than you at a mere 5' 9" but I'm a fightin' Irish. I like that you still have goals for yourself, and plan to keep moving forward, but I've got to ask how did you do it? I have been trying to lose forty pounds for over two years now and I have gained fifteen pounds in the process. I would say keep trying to build muscle because ultimately muscle burns fat, even though it will make you a little heavier-but it will look good. In the mean time, share your success with others, because I know there are plenty of people like me who would love to share your story and successes.

Keep it up!
Wow, that is impressive to say the least. My goal similarly is to lose roughly forty pounds before summer (so I have a little more than three months). I also am much shorter than you at a mere 5' 9" but I'm a fightin' Irish. I like that you still have goals for yourself, and plan to keep moving forward, but I've got to ask how did you do it? I have been trying to lose forty pounds for over two years now and I have gained fifteen pounds in the process. I would say keep trying to build muscle because ultimately muscle burns fat, even though it will make you a little heavier-but it will look good. In the mean time, share your success with others, because I know there are plenty of people like me who would love to share your story and successes.

Keep it up!

It's all about perseverance ...sticking to the plan ...take it one day at a time, don't look at weight loss as being too slow...one day at a time ... a day, a week ..next thing you know, the scale is moving ......anti-clockwise ;)

another thing that helped me keep on track was taking pictures of my body on a particular day every week... with every passing week, I noticed a little change.. and that propelled me into the next week :)

I jogged for 30 minutes 5 times a week.
walked at moderate pace for an hour everyday.
never exceeded 1500 calories of food per day
hit the gym 3 times a week
That sounds like a great strategy, I guess all I need is a little discipline to stick to the plan. Also, one thing that gets me is how exercise "experts" all contradict each other, but most say running is terrible. I love running. Your workout and diet looks like my cup of tea. Did you ever get flack for using that plan? Mind if I borrow it for myself?
That sounds like a great strategy, I guess all I need is a little discipline to stick to the plan. Also, one thing that gets me is how exercise "experts" all contradict each other, but most say running is terrible. I love running. Your workout and diet looks like my cup of tea. Did you ever get flack for using that plan? Mind if I borrow it for myself?

I went a little extreme initially because I had tried many too-easy-to-be-true techniques from "experts" that promised weight loss and didn't deliver...
so when I started, I was running everyday and eating below 1000 cals ...I started feeling weak and light headed after about a week. so I adjusted to 5-times-a-week running and 1500 diet .. I was able to maintain that.

wow ..I love running too! ...I ran today ...and yesterday :D
..high intensity interval is not my thing, I don't enjoy it though I hear it's effective.

sure ...please do.... I'd love to see/read your progress weekly :)
Right on! I tend to go extreme as well (either extreme calorie cut or extreme gluttony). Those diet and workout plans "experts" talk about involve too much macro counting, carefully calculated exercises, and a fine line of calories to take in-its all too complicated for a working twenty year old in my opinion. I'll keep in touch, I'm 220lbs right now, so I have some work to do before summer. I hope to be about 180 (and ripped) by then.
By the way, what did your diet look like? I have to live at home for the time being so control over my food is very limited. My best bud says I should buy my own groceries and eat spinach and kale every day but I'm too cheap to do that. The only thing I can do is cut my portion sizes to restrict my calories. What do you think?
During the period I stayed at home, I mostly just cut my portion sizes to stay under my goal. The problem with that was that I never really felt full after a meal. Drinking water before the little meals help too.
Oats was a great breakfast for me as it helped me feel full and keep hunger at bay for longer
Another problem I encountered at home was craving ... I craved a lot, maybe it was the diet, maybe it was the fact that everyone at home ate as they like. Took a lot of willpower to withstand the temptation to give up.
I know what you mean, families never seem to know what "healthy" means, or at least my family. What kinds of workouts did you do in the gym? My best bud is a fitness buff who thinks I just don't do enough though I swear I could not possibly work any harder. Did you focus on time under tension at all? Did you worry about muscle confusion? Sorry to throw so many questions at you, but I have never actually talked with someone who has achieved the goal I have worked for.
I wasn't really focusing on muscle gain ...just wanted to get the muscles toned to enable them burn fat more efficiently.
Yes, Initially I rushed through the reps ...but as I read more about time under tension, I slowed it much down. Wasn't able to do as much reps, but I felt the effect better.
I do just the usual
3 sets of 10 barbell curls
3 sets of 10 bench press
3 sets of 10 squats
And 3 sets of millitary press

Then body weight exercises: just do 3 sets of 25,20,15 decline push ups,
(reps were much less initially though)

3 sets of 20 sit-ups
3 sets of Russian twists with weights
3 sets of 15 leg raises
And 3 sets of 20 bicycle crunches

Muscle confusion ..nah ...didn't really worry about that... But now that I'm looking to gain some muscle mass, I think I should incorporate some confusion...and work my back muscles.