If you guys like metal you should listen to real metal. Rage and Tool are good, but not metal.
try: Behemoth, Opeth, Drudkh, Immortal, Nile, Emperor, Annorexia Nervosa, Deeds Of Flesh...to name a few
If you guys like metal you should listen to real metal. Rage and Tool are good, but not metal.
try: Behemoth, Opeth, Drudkh, Immortal, Nile, Emperor, Annorexia Nervosa, Deeds Of Flesh...to name a few
What is your fav music to workout to? I like metal, TOOL, RAGE. Hip Hop is cool, Classic Rock, Zep. I always wonder what's on those head phones. My gym plays it loud for me in the weight room.
Can you tell us more? I know I sound like I'm trying to be a ass, but I'm not.I just want to hear more metal music from more bands.
Can you tell us more? I know I sound like I'm trying to be a ass, but I'm not.I just want to hear more metal music from more bands.