i know this sounds dumb but....

okay so here goes anyway, this may have been ?ed in the past but.. are there any exercises that, being female, i could do to improve the appearance of my chest, not breasts, but without losing what little god gave me ?? i bench but that only works the top portion correct?
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Try some decline bench with dumbells, then squeeze them together at the top of the contraction with your palms facing eachother. I think this may hit the spot you are trying to, but its tough to say without more details. This will put more stress on the bottom and middle of your pecs.

Training your chest will not make you lose your breasts, the muscle lies underneath the fatty tissue, training your chest will actually make them appear larger. Your breasts will only get smaller if you reduce your body fat %.
Im a guy, but im interested to know, is there any way for a girl to lose bodyfat without losing her breast size?
thank you crazy legs for being the only one with a serious answer. time to change up my routine! cheers. i need to no want to improve the muscle tone and strength in my chest but have always shyed away from bc of the way ppl talk. but i think bc of my new career path i should worry more about being able to lift and do my job, hence this dumb question. its not about size its about strength. :)