I Just Need to Know if I Should be Trying to Lose


New member
I have always felt like I am fat; and I hate the way I look. I just need input if other people think I could stand to lose some weight, or if I should try and be okay with how I look now.
If I looked like you, I would be soooo happy! If you still feel discontent with your appearance, toning is always good!
Hey Olivia, It is my belief that you do not need to lose weight. You seem to have a healthy weight for your height.
Hi Olivia!
I agree with Renee, if I looked like you I'd be ecstatic! Where do you feel you need to lose weight from? From that pic it doesn't seem like you have much to lose so toning may be a way to go if you feel unhappy!
Hey olivia,

I disagree with what people are saying here.

From what I can see, you probably think that you're "skinny fat" where you're skinny, but covered in a layer of fat (not too fat though)

What you need to do to shape up your body and give it the lean physique that I believe you are looking for is to incorporate weight training into your lifestyle.

Trust me. There's nothing sexier than girls who lift weights. So be confident, go out there, and do some resistance training!
