I just completed my first toughmudder


New member
Last Saturday I was able to complete my very first toughmudder. For those of you who do not know what this is it's about a 12 mile military course where you run hills and crawl thru mud, etc. anyways, I came to the realization that it truly is about will power and mental toughness more than anything else. I saw much thinner people than myself struggle like none other but even tho my run was probably the speed of a quick walk, I finished because I got in my head that the pride of being able to say I did it and wear that shirt proving it was well worth all the pain and suffering during those 4-5 hours.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sore afterwards, actually I had never been so sore in my life but the thing is, I'm not anymore. When you're doing it I used to be so fixed on the current pain I was in and somehow convinced myself it was a good workout when I knew it wasn't. The pain does subside faster than you'd believe and the key other than eat healthy is to keep your eyes forward to what it is you want, whether that be a new dress or suit you'd reward yourself with, a vacation, see the expression on someones face when they see you again, etc. just remember to not give up, remember why you're doing it in the first place, don't look back but instead keep your eyes on the prize and you're bound to succeed.