Weight-Loss I just binged on pickles :/



I eat dinner around 6 or 7, so I know when I stay up this late I'm gonna get hungry again. And that's just what happened. I had about five, small, five calorie pickles (okay, it might not be considered an actual binge, but I've never had more than one of these pickles at a time, so it is to me). Now, I know I shouldn't worry about the extra 25 calories I consumed, but I am concerned about the sodium intake. It's about 20% each pickle, which means that I just took in 100% of the sodium that I need for one day in ten minutes.

I know excess sodium causes you to retain water, which can result in extra water weight. Should I be worried? Or am I over doing it?

And if it does cause me to gain an extra pound or two of water weight, when will this disappear?

Someone tell me I'm freaking out for nothing!

PS: I feel so sick to my stomach, I might throw up. :/
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ahaha...go eat 50 more of them, then you might have a problem.
You're freaking out for nothing. :)

IF you do retain a little more water after this, you'll be back to normal quite quickly. Are you in a competition, where the exact amount you weigh tomorrow morning will matter?
Freak out, no I wouldn't, worry about it, yes I would. You'll find sodium is one of the hardest minerals to control in your diet and not controlling it is down right dangerous to you health. If you have to much in your system it leads to high blood pressure, eventually leading to hypertension, which can be a precursor to strokes, hardening of the arteries and many other conditions that are life threatening. So yeah, it's something to be concerned about.

The USDA recommended allowance for sodium is 2400mg. To get a handle on how much that is, is real simple, it's one teaspoon, that's all, total for everything you eat all day, and you ate your limit on 5 tiny pickles. Let's say you eat three meals a day, you like just about everyone of us, pick up a salt shaker and add a little salt to your food, usually by the time you are half way through breakfast, you have already consumed your limit of sodium for the day. Salt or sodium is used as a preservative in just about everything you eat. Take an everyday "healthy" product like sliced turkey breast lunch meat, a serving is one slice (yeah right). If like some, you use two slices, one sandwich, if you use "healthy" whole wheat bread with "healthy" no-fat mayo, and splurge and throw a piece of "healthy" no-fat cheese on the sandwich, you are into tomorrow's daily allowance. Now, this is if you stick with the USDA recommendation, most medical institutions like the Mayo Clinic and Mount Sinai Medical School, recommend a lessor amount of sodium, around 2000mg a day. There is even a diet plan for heart and hypertension patients called the DASH diet that uses a 1500mg limit.

Make SODIUM the "S" word in your vocabulary, it's a silent killer that you can't get away from without hard work and paying attention to what goes in your mouth. There is more information on that nutrition label than just fat and calories and carbs. You can exercise to rid your body of excess fat and calories and your system has limited storage for excess carbs, other than converting it into fat. Unless you control your sodium intake, you usually have enough in your system for the next week or two.
Thank you all for the information. I believe I'll stay away from high sodium and vinegar intake for a while. Thank gawd there's no more pickles in my house, had the worst bloated, aching stomach feeling last night.

Good news is that it looks like I didn't retain any water from the pickles. :sifone:
