I humbly ask you experts for some advice...

Right, I applied to join the army(British) a while back, but then got another job, and forgot all about it. I recently started hating my job, and started thinking I should really find out how my application is going. I got a call the next day(yesterday) saying that my application has been succesful so far and I need to go in for Recruit Selection next week. Now I'm not worried for the most poart, but the 2.4km(12 minute time limit) run sounds a little scary.

I wouldn't say I'm unfit, in fact just last year I was running the 400 metres event for my school. It has however been a while since I've exercised in any sort of organised way. I've never done such a long run before, how hard is 2.4km in that time limit? Can anyone suggest a quick training schedule that would get me fit in time? A good diet to build up the energy would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any replies.

P.S Not going for the Recruit Selection really isn't an option!
My advice (I'm no Ben Johnson) would be to run the 2.4 km every day, or every second day. Supplement it up with a weight lifting program focusing on your lower body muscles, and you should be able to do it much faster than you did the first time you tried it.
Take it from someone with British Army experience: Don't concentrate too much on the running alone (but don't neglect it either!)

If you're going for infantry you'll also need to pass a CFT (combat fitness test) at some point which I believe is 8 miles with kit in 1 hour 30 mins.

I've got selection for a different unit in the British Army coming up and my routine is like this:

Day 1: 13 miles no weight
Day 2: Upper body - weights, push ups, pull ups, sit ups
Day 3: 6-8 miles with 25kg (be very careful! try to do it on soft ground or trade weight for hills)
Day 4: Swimming
Day 5: Upper body
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

I try to do a 26-miler instead of the 13 miler every 2-3 weeks. But if you're trying to get speed rather than distance then I'd say cut it to 3-4 miles and go flat out.

On the rest days I stuff as much protein down my neck as I can fit, eat loads of pasta on the other days and a few burgers now and then. Ok, what I've said might not be the 'correct' way to train but its what works for me.

A word on selection: The British Army is very keen on tenacity too. If you don't give up and always show determination then you're halfway there. (especially seeing as you've only got 7 days!) Very importantly, don't nacker yourself out the day before selection - it's best to rest for 48 hours beforehand.

Good luck! which regiment are you going for?
Cheers for that, it's great to get a reply from someone with inside knowledge. I'm going for Infantry, in the Worcester and Sherwood Foresters I think.
The Foresters are a great regiment and theyve got a great social scene. Make sure you get into a rifle platoon if you get any choice!
Don't stress

At this point mate, I wouldn't do any training at all - you might put yourself off.

I did my selection in 1996 (I was 20 yrs old) was unfit and had not carried out any training what so ever. If I passed it so can you...

What you do have to do, though, is run yer bollox off on the day, literally if you have to... Do not stop, I'll repeat that - do not stop running. Your heart will feel like it's going to stop (it wont) and you'll feel like you can't breathe no matter how much oxygen you suck through yer gob. Regardless you have to carry on. You will probably start to pass others who have stopped (this will make you feel really good about yourself) just keep going and ignore any loosers who stop (I'm not being harsh here but this is the mentality you are going to need if you want to pass) If you stop you probably will not make it and should perhaps consider another career path. If you keep going you will proove to yourself that you have what it takes to take the next step towards becoming one of the worlds finest.

Oh and don't eat the curry from the cook-house (if they have one)

I did the evening before and nearly shat me self on the run!

Best of luck mate,