I don't really keep a detailed count on the calories. I guess I am taking about 1000 to 1200 calories a day? Can someone tell me the number is correct?
Unfortunately, not. As I indicated earlier, the level of inaccuracy, when a person in remembering what and how much they ate during a day, is rather unreliable -- the inaccuracy related to someone else trying to guess would be outrageous.
It really does work most reliably when the journaling is done as the food is being eaten (or before, really), and with much finer weighing and measuring. (For example, How much is a "small" bowl of soup? Heck, what was in the soup, besides what you listed? That will also have a major impact on calories. Indeed, was it miso soup, or miso-flavored. Miso soup is relatively high in calories compared to miso-flavored soup.)
As it is, without medical supervision, it is dangerous to eat less than 1200 calories in a day.
I have been doing cadio and weight training for the past few days after years. And I am experiencing muscle pain everywhere.
Join the club. I layed off the weights about 4 months ago, and just picked them up last week, and was sore most of the week. It subsides after a couple of weeks of consistent exercise.