Sport I have major problems with nutrition.

Sport Fitness
I can't take it anymore. Its been a month since i've lost any weight. I was originally 260 back in January and went down to 220. I remain at 220 today even though I Hit it a month ago. I had a cheat meal and ever since then i've been weak. Very weak. I hate my body and still have an enormous, pun intented, way to go but I'm easily getting discouraged and can't seem to motivate myself to eat healthy.

I'll eat healthy for a day or two then eat bad for one day and it screws everything up. I'm a psychological wreck. I keep telling myself i'm not going to endulge in bad food but I can't help it. The other day I had mcdonalds for the first time in 4 months. OMG OMG OMG i'm so weak. I convinced myself that it was okay just this once because they had come out with a New spicey chicken sandwich and I needed to try it to see how they did spicey chicken. I know it doesn't make any sense in retrospect, but when i'm hungry its easy to convince myself. I had a spicey chicken sandwich with mayo and cheese.. Double cheeseburger, large fries, and large coke. OMGz i'm so bad.

And this past friday I messed up bad. I convinced myself since I was having a major major final exam for 1 of my college classes that I needed to eat a big breakfast so that I could focus on the test and do well. So what did I eat eggs cause they give you energy and help the mind. But where did I get these eggs? In the form of 2 bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on bagals from Mcdonalds. And a Medium Ice coffee... Yes mcdonalds now has ice coffee. And so I ate that crap. And too make matters worse I got extremely sick. I had to go to the bathroom like 3 times in an hour and I felt dizzy and my stomach killed me. I felt like I was going to vomit and then die. So I went to the school medical office to see a nurse for the first time in the 3 years i've been here. She lets me lay down and gave me 3 bottles of gatorade to help me feel better. But I still felt somewhat sick the rest of the day and couldn't focus on my test which i think I may have failed cause i just wanted to get out of there.

I feel so guilty and depressed lately cause I havn't met my goal. I'm going on a cruise in july to brumuda and then white water rafting the weak after. I wanted to be in prime shape, but i'm screwing things up. I havn't been exercising either as much because I always feel like crap after eating crappy foods and I have little or no motivation. I need advice on how to stop the madness. Tips on how to get rid of cravings and maybe supplements and stuff that will help.

I take mega men multi vitamin and an occasional met-rx protein shake when i'm trying to be good. Should I go buy me some hot-rox to help with my progress? Can someone recommend foods that are healthy and satisfying.

I look at all you fit people in the forums and then at myself and I get depressed. It seems like I have so far to go and the hardest part is staying on track. HELP ME PLEASE.

Age: 21
Height: 6ft
WeightL 220
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I wouldn't reccomend any supplements until you get your diet in check, because they won't do anything when combined with McDonalds. Just stay focused, and preplan your meals, that's all I can suggest.
Hey, don't worry, we all struggle at one time or another. Eating healthy is not an easy thing to do consistently, but it is something that will eventually become habit. I also used to struggle with fast food, but (with time) I have completely cured that addiction. Here would be some of my eating tips:

-The most important thing is to not give yourself the opportunity to eat unhealthy fast food. Go to your grocery store and stock up with the good stuff - you must always have a supply of healthy food in your kitchen. Then commit to making all of your meals. Sometimes you may have to set out the box of oatmeal and fruit for breakfast the night before. The key is to be prepared. Pack lunches and snacks to take to school or work or wherever.
-LOAD your fridge with water. Water is, I think, the key for eating healthy. Always have a bottle of water handy, as it fills you up and reminds you that you aren't that hungry.
-If you are watching TV and a commerical comes on for fast food, turn the channel immediately. I know that seems extreme, but those ads will only make you crave it more.
-Constantly remind yourself how much money you are saving for not eating fast food.

As for foods that are healthy and satisfying, here are the ones I always have in my kitchen:
-Lots and lots of fruit (bananas, apples, pears, berries, etc.)
-Peanut butter
-Canned chicken/tuna
-Whole-wheat tortillas and whole-wheat bread
-Low-sodium cold cuts (turkey and ham)
-High-fiber cereal
-Canadian bacon (you can make your own very healthy Egg McMuffins!)
-Oatmeal (low sugar)
-Smart Pop mini-bags of popcorn (only 100 calories in a whole bag!)
-Carrots, celery, other vegetables for snacking

That's just a sampling of some stuff you may or may not like. Best of luck in sticking with your commitment. Making that commitment is the most important step!
hey dont sweat it man hell I remember when I was having trouble with my diet and nutrtion to tell you the truth in my opinion thats by far the second hardest thing to do in the fitness world today (next to getting up and finally doing something about your weight problem) I completly understand the being overweight part man and yes I do agree with you it is hard to not give in. well like some dude at a GNC near where I live said, "it happens to the best of us" if you wernt already told eating 6 meals a day shall definetly help eat 2-3 hours depending on your sleeping patterns and what not. drink plenty of water and by all means workout correctly the best way you can. I'm still working on my progress and seeing some great results so I feel you. remember "Rome wasnt built in a day" peace man
step 1 - buy healthy groceries and have them on hand
step 2 - quit with the mcdonalds! if you have food on hand you should have no need to trek to McDonald's for fat-laden, nutrient deficient food.
Just force yourself to eat healthy and as someone said it before, it will eventually come naturally. I used to cheat a bit, then I would feel guilty afterwards.. after a while I realized that it wasn't worth it.

Just remember how sick you were after eating McDonalds.. it's probably from all the extra grease.. yuck!
And get back in the gym! You've lost forty pounds so far, dont give up, or you'll be right back where you started. Summers coming, so bust your a$s twice as hard.
Hey Tom,
I hear you man.
I'm 41 5'9" and weigh 290.

I didn't get fat by eating poorly, I didn't exercise for years and even though I was eating less than 2000 calories per day, I gained weight.

Even now that I'm working out regularly, if I blow it for a day or two, I can see a 3-5 lb gain on the scale.

I don't think will power works, you hve to change the way you think not just the way you act. You have to begin with the end in mind. It's not enough to say i want to lose weight or I don't want to be fat.

Before you work your body, you have to work your mind. Take 15 min and just see yourself as you want to be. Hold that image and how it makes you feel in your mind and that will make it easier to stay on track. if you think you are the type of person who is fit and healthy you will automatically reach for an apple instead of the chips.

Read this book Psycho Cybernetics

And make it a priority to work out every day. Even if you only do some push ups at home. You have to remove every excuse so you should consider adding body weight exercises to your routine. that way you can never say you didn't have time to go to the gym.

Check this out

Keep the faith Tom. Stop telling yourself that you can't be what you want to be. Start beliving that you are already what you want to be and you can't help but get there.
the way i look at it: You know that feeling u get after u work out, ur muscles are all tight, looking a bit slimmer, and especially that sore feeling in know body but ur mind knowing that u accomplished somthing that day, well that feeling helped me carry out my diet. to tell u the truth when i don't work out for 2 or 3 days cravings for cheat meals start to come about. thats when i know my body and mind is telling me to go the gym. after the workout i feel good as new, thats only the beginning, wait till u start seeing results, forget about it! u'll be more determined than ever!
Skull Point, said it right, that ideology of "mind" goes for everything, school, sports and life. Good example is when u hear peopel say, my body wants somthing sweet, nope not true, U do not ur body, that is the difference between u ordering that double scooped vanilla ice cream w/ hot fuge inbedded in a soft sweet cake with whip cream and a cherry and u asking for the check and eating an apple when u get home :)

Good Luck
Tomahawk, there is no difference between you and the other people on this forum. We have all been there at one time or another so, you're not alone. Only difference is that some people are a little further along their journey but, you WILL get there. Bad days are going to happen but, as long as you get through them, you'll reach your goals. Nobody ever said it was easy - if it was, everyone would be doing it.

Good luck man and, keep focussed.
Thanks guys. I'm starting my exercise program again today and going food shopping to stock up on only healthy food. Thanks for everything.

But one more question. Since i'm going to be exercising again and eating correctly should I purchase some Hotrox fat burner to help expediate the process?
Just wanted to throw something else in also. Look at the fact that in 4mo. time, you have lost 40lbs! That in itself is a major feat my friend. I know people who complain because they can't lose 20lbs. in 4mo.! Granted, they are already small and don't NEED to, but, the reason they aren't, is because they eat healthy, workout and keep at it! They are self motivators, but they tend to get greedy (Hence the wanting to lose 20lbs., but also knowing it wouldn't be a good idea). Have you ever talked to a physician about the possibility that you may be sitting at 220lbs. because that is what type of body structure you have? It's always a possibility that your body is where it needs to be, you just now need to maintain a healthy diet with a workout routine that will tone it up! Not everyone can be stick skinny, not everyone SHOULD be. Just my .02, but definitely keep at it, we're all here with you. :)
Screw Doctors I havn't had a physical in 3 years since I gruduated Highschool. Just finished my Junior year of college.

And I took everyones advice and went shopping got only healthy food and started exercising hardcore again and am already down to 217.5. Thanks everyone I'm back on track and theirs nothing stopping me now.
hey thats great to hear man as long as you stay on track and let nothing stay in your way you'll take charge of your destiny and show everyone that you CAN DO IT! you are a warrior a fighter a true believer who sticks to his goals and stays true to his dream just believe in yourself and dont listen to what others tell and if i can give you any guiding words then it will be

May the gods light w/e path that you choose.