I have found a great Supplement brand...

Go to And check out there products. They make a creatine blend called NOX-CG3 that is really awesome. I have used it and i notice a huge difference. You can find Xyience products at most GNC stores.
Way too expensive. :rolleyes:
NOX-CG3 is such a freaking rip off.

"Hey, I know, we'll take un-proven Creatine Ethyl Ester, add buffered creatine which is equally undocumented to be any better than monohydrate. Then well add an NO2 powder with it to provide a fake pump, so people think it works. That way we can charge 3x what it's really worth because they'll think it's working!"

Do a little research and you'll be able to see through false marketing claims in a heartbeat.