Weight-Loss I hate to cook.



New member
I really, really do.

When I originally lost the bulk of my weight, my ex and I were together and he was the chef of the family. Now that I need to lose this last 20 lbs I realize I'm just not good at this cooking/calories/protein/carb/fat thing.

So while I learn more about eating healthy and hopefully learn to like (or at least tolerate) cooking, which weight-loss shake would you recommend to replace lunch and/or breakfast?

I understand that I will have to eventually learn these things as I can't supplement my meals forever but I would like to start losing weight now and doing two things I hate (cooking and exercising) at the same time will eventually make me quit.

If I only have to cook one meal a day for awhile, I can mange.
I don't recommend weight loss shakes at all. They don't teach you healthy habits.

I understand not liking cooking, but you know .. we're all adults here right? I don't like paying my bills either, but that doesn't mean I can't do it. I don't like scrubbing the toilet, but that doesn't mean I can let it get filthy and disgusting. :)

You don't have to be a gourmet cook or even do anything fancy. Just learn to fix some basic food. It takes 5 minutes to cook an egg, throw some veggies in the microwave, etc.

Heck if you don't want to cook in the mornings (I generally don't have time) then throw some fruit into some yogurt. Spread a serving of peanut butter onto a piece of whole grain toast and slice a banana on top. Throw some oats into the microwave for 12 mins.

There are all kinds of healthy options that you can have for breakfast and lunch that involve minimal to no cooking and are far better for you than a diet shake
Heheh. I'm predictable?

I'm mixed on the frozen dinners. I think they might be a really good option for you - a sort of midpoint between cooking and not cooking. Be sure you read the labels carefully and make sure they aren't loaded with sodium and as few preservatives as you can. I do, actually eat some of the Amy's brand of frozen meals sometimes for lunch - they're the ones with the most natural ingredients and the lowest sodium levels I've found. Although I've heard that Healthy Choice makes a newer low-sodium line as well ... I haven't personally tried them.

In general here's my point of view: Eat real food.

I think you're closer to eating real food when you eat a frozen meal than when you drink a meal replacement shake or eat a bar or something like that. I think you're healthier and better off eating an apple and a banana for breakfast, or smearing some pb on toast, than drinking a slimfast drink.

Hope that helps! :)
The one I just ate had 660mg of sodium. Is that bad?

See what I mean? I'm clueless.

Ok, toast and fruit I can do.
The recommendation for sodium is 2400mg or less per day. So 660 is about 1/4 of that or so. Not too bad. Some of the frozen meals have upwards of 1200mg and you just really have to watch them. Sodium adds up fast. :)
forget the shakes- for lunch get some slices of apple and a slice of low fat cheese- that aint cooking- breakfast a bowl of porridge- that aint cooking- snack- celery with low fat cheese or low fat dip (Im not nutriotion expert bye the way) dinner grill a bit of chicken breast, roast some root veg- turnips, pots, beetroot, corgettes- anything you can stomach- maybe some new pots if your allowed (I dont know)- that aint cooking honey- i should know I hate cooking also- its a chore i force my way through but i would not go near shakes! how about a low fat home made smottohie instead! skimmed milk (or soya etc) chuck in berries (frozen) bit of honey- whizz it up- hey presto- FRESH nutrients and shakes have shaken their way OUTA here. let me know if you are convinced X
I've sucked it up. I grill/bake a lot of chicken. I bake my veggies, too. I find if I bake things, and don't have to DO anything, it's much more tolerable. LOL

I also buy a crap load of veggies and fruit at the beginning of the week and separate everything into baggies. I have the right serving size ready when I need it.

I make my own lunches now (I used to eat out at work everyday). And not only am I saving a HUGE amount of money ($200 per month!), I make my lunches in the evening now along with my kids' lunch and now THEY are eating a lot healthier, too.

I am loving this healthier lifestyle thing a bit more everyday.
I love food but can't be doing with cooking so instead I eat my food the easiet way possible, raw! This doesn't mean carrot and celery sticks. In fact it's quite the opposite. For instance, I had enchiladas last week, all raw and unprocessed! And they were fab!

Frozen food is still processed and is not much better than pre-prepared processed foods. Also, it costs a lot of money to eat this way. If you are organised and prepare a few things in advance, you can eat amazing meals which take 5 or less minutes to prepare. I can't remember the last time I cooked something! I use the oven to warm things up, but that's about it.

I think this would be the perfect solution for you, but then it does depend on what you want.

I agree with KaraCooks. Shakes are not the way to go.
I don't recommend weight loss shakes at all. They don't teach you healthy habits.

I understand not liking cooking, but you know .. we're all adults here right? I don't like paying my bills either, but that doesn't mean I can't do it. I don't like scrubbing the toilet, but that doesn't mean I can let it get filthy and disgusting. :)

You don't have to be a gourmet cook or even do anything fancy. Just learn to fix some basic food. It takes 5 minutes to cook an egg, throw some veggies in the microwave, etc.

Heck if you don't want to cook in the mornings (I generally don't have time) then throw some fruit into some yogurt. Spread a serving of peanut butter onto a piece of whole grain toast and slice a banana on top. Throw some oats into the microwave for 12 mins.

There are all kinds of healthy options that you can have for breakfast and lunch that involve minimal to no cooking and are far better for you than a diet shake

i agree- sometimes- very often i find cooking ther biggest chore- i would rather spend my time painting- i hate the whole process of even shopping for it and deciding what i am going to cook- ive bnever had an appetite- apart from when i was pregnant or after i have done a few hours hard labor- other than that my appetite can vanish as soon as the plate of food is there- BUT i wuld never go near shakes.- for goodness sake- you could make your own shakes- shove a load of blueberries- some rice milk or fat free fromage frais- or skimmed milk and honey- or even get a juicer and juice up vegetables- i cant fathom why anyone would go for these sahkes- what are you gonna feel like after a week of them? even though i hate cooking i would rather force myself to do it as its a necessity and a life force you cant replace with a shake! i would advise some chopped appless, carrots and a low fat dip- or blitz some root veg with some stock- stick it in a processor- and theres your soup- somany easy alternatives than shakes. i also dont believe man made vitamins are a patch on natures nutrients. anyone who hates cooking should keep it simple like me- stick a bit of steak in the grill- add some new potatoes (or apparantly red ones are better) and bake/roast sme veg- thats no cooking involved in that- no sauce mixing or what ever and the food does its own work and flavour for you.