I hate dextrose.

it just tastes like sugar water :p
Yeah i use to buy creatine and dextrose already together but now i just buy bags of dextrose and put it with pure creatine but it tastes so nasty now.
tried maltodextrine? It doesn't have the same sugar taste. It gives the water a bit of an aftertaste but not a whole lot.

Also, you are just mixing creatine, dex and water? no protein? cuz dex and protein just don't mix well, tastes horrible (IMO) :p
Man, I don't understand how people don't like dextrose. Must be the creatine that tastes like ass.

When I use 48 grams dex, 24 grams whey (choco mint!) it tastes like an awesome shake, hits the spot after heavy lifting.
Just be a man and chug it down, who cares if it doesn't taste good.
Unless you're suffering from a disease called pussyitis, you'll be able to chug it down.

Or just mix it with a glass of Orange Juice and you'll be fine.
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