I hate being overweight and just can't lose weight.


New member
I'm 19, M and around 6ft1. I weigh 15st 10lbs (211lbs) and I'm extremely unfit and hate my body. The other day I thought it needed to change, so decided to walk to and from work this morning (albeit my work is 5 miles(8.2km) away. The way there took me about 2 hours of walking, and at that moment I was relatively fine, wasn't particularly tired apart from feet aching. The way back, I was fine for about a mile, and the rest of the journey I felt like I was going to collapse the whole way; being 4 miles away and barely being able to walk was certainly one of the experiences I'd like to forget. Anyway, I manage to get home (This time about 2.5 hours later), barely able to stand at the door, really hungry.. and guess what, ( i didn't have any lunch or breakfast, bad idea ), and when I get in, I eat 6 ice creams totaling about 900 calories, a smallish dinner (about 500 calories), 3 chocolate bars, (350 calories), and then later on have Tuna Pasta. Despite managing a great deal of exercise, I just have no willpower to stop myself eating and eating and eating. Any ideas?
You cant just skip breakfast and lunch, or else you will have crazy urges to binge, which is exactly what happened. You need to eat meals throughout the day to keep that hunger satisfied. Walking is also not necessary. In fact if you diet correctly, you don't need to exercise at all. Your diet is always the primary source affecting your weight. Exercising wont be any good if you don't change your diet.