I finally tried fat burners

I just wanted to share this info:

I bought a bottle of ALR Venom Hyperdrive 3.0 about 3 months ago. I was on a very rigorous diet and exercise regimen. I had lost about 10 pounds per month before taking any sort of weight loss supplement, but when I added the hyperdrive I lost 17 pounds in one month.

When I stopped taking the hyperdrive, my weight loss stopped altogether. I stopped taking it for a full month while maintaining the diet and exercise program. That month I weighed the same at the beginning as I did at the end.

So, I bought another bottle of the hyperdrive, but this time it was different. It was no longer called "venom", it was just called "hyperdrive 3.0". Still made by the same company, but they apparently changed the formula. Well, the new formula didn't help me at all.

Maybe I developed an immunity to the prodcut from the first round. Maybe they had to take the good stuff out because the FDA busted their chops. Who knows? Regardless, this product is not something I am going to invest in again. I honestly don't think the extra 7 pounds are worth the money. I probably would have lost them already anyway.

The best fat burner out there is proper diet and rigorous exercise, and this experience just confirmed it for me.

I thought this was sales for sure..


from the avie I would say the good stuff is still in the pills! hahaha
Actually the best fat burner out there is supposedly currently the vacuum bomb the Russians are calling FOAB. Though to public knowledge it has never actually been used for anything other than testing.

I can't wait until (The British?) put them into "Reaper" drones. JUST LIKE THE MATRIX. :D Well, instead of zzzzz ffffftt its bwomp fwoomp, and they don't have 800 unnecessary devices in their ocular apparatus and weird anti gravity flagella thingies that don't make much sense at all, but, you get the idea.

pew pew pew pew
Actually the best fat burner out there is supposedly currently the vacuum bomb the Russians are calling FOAB. Though to public knowledge it has never actually been used for anything other than testing.

I can't wait until (The British?) put them into "Reaper" drones. JUST LIKE THE MATRIX. :D Well, instead of zzzzz ffffftt its bwomp fwoomp, and they don't have 800 unnecessary devices in their ocular apparatus and weird anti gravity flagella thingies that don't make much sense at all, but, you get the idea.

pew pew pew pew

I'd say that this post doesn't make sense.. but we all know what happens when we confront you with the fact that you don't make sense.. so I'll refrain..
Close your eyes............

Hear the music?

Do you feel it?

Well, do ya?!

Its your heart.

It constantly provides rhythm.

The pictures come alive!

You can dance right through your goal and life.

Now, you realize all you need is to feed this seed to succeed.

Love it. Shine the light on it. Grab a hold of it...........don't let go.

Empower this super-power every awaking hour

Your passion will never sour......

Now, you have realized that the real fat burner is:


And, not from an over-the-counter fat burner pill.


Be your own Dr. PHIL.

Show your SKILL

And, continue to stay away from the over-the-counter fat burner PILL.

You walk in your fat-burner everyday.


Yea, baby!.........This FAT BURNER FLAT ROCKS!

One ought to try it out!

It gets ya.........all BUZZED up..and WHACKED out on passion and shiaaaaat.....YIPPIE! :)

And, do not forget it!


There is no greater personal embrace then wrapping your arms around your heart, and pulling it INTO you goal.

There is no equal.

One always gets up, when they get knocked down......

An element of one successful? Read the above quote as many times as necessary until it sinks in your heart.


ya...........got that?

Best wishes

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You may have hit a stall in your progress because you are training the same and or eating the same diet and same food as when you started.

Sometimes the answer isnt in a bottle. A good thing to do would be to make a complete change in your training and try something new in your diet.

Im sure you can still make progress without the burners but they could be useful when you are real close to your goal and need that little burst.
You may have hit a stall in your progress because you are training the same and or eating the same diet and same food as when you started.

Sometimes the answer isnt in a bottle. A good thing to do would be to make a complete change in your training and try something new in your diet.

Im sure you can still make progress without the burners but they could be useful when you are real close to your goal and need that little burst.



Peter Piper didn't get Hyper by having Fat Loss pills in his DIAPER

Peter, Peter, CHEATER Pumkin Eater put Fat Loss Pills in his HEATER but grew a smaller PETER.

Moral of the Story: CHEATER EATERS = No METERS to the PETERS.




Best wishes,

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Never under estimate the placebo effect


funny how the "Most Stimulated" really show it in stimulant threads. It's almost like an exposure subconcience thingy!

Plcebo, he says placebo-- hahahhaah um... what does that mean?


and hey NBS more pics please... you know the ones

Sweat Daily!
