I was surprised myself to be quite honest. I never ever fainted before, but I did today. In front of 30 people.
Anyways, we were disecting pig fetus' and the smell was bad. I could'nt look at the little porker yesterday, but I decided to go in full force today. Well, I did do it, but right about the time I began to scalpal the neck and throat, I felt dizzy and fainted.
I thought it was because of the smell, but I noticed that out of a class of 17 girls and 10 boys, I was the only guy that fainted. Not even the girl beside me who was making mince meat out of the little piglet fainted because of the smell.
My mother, who is right a lot of the time surprisingly, said it was because of my "diet". I told her she was crazy, but it might've been true. I mean, I work out every single friggin day, eat what I assume and think is healthy diet, and I am the one to faint.
So, could a bad diet be sort of....causing me mental weakness or lowering my other bodily functions?
I was surprised myself to be quite honest. I never ever fainted before, but I did today. In front of 30 people.
Anyways, we were disecting pig fetus' and the smell was bad. I could'nt look at the little porker yesterday, but I decided to go in full force today. Well, I did do it, but right about the time I began to scalpal the neck and throat, I felt dizzy and fainted.
I thought it was because of the smell, but I noticed that out of a class of 17 girls and 10 boys, I was the only guy that fainted. Not even the girl beside me who was making mince meat out of the little piglet fainted because of the smell.
My mother, who is right a lot of the time surprisingly, said it was because of my "diet". I told her she was crazy, but it might've been true. I mean, I work out every single friggin day, eat what I assume and think is healthy diet, and I am the one to faint.
So, could a bad diet be sort of....causing me mental weakness or lowering my other bodily functions?