I don't want to be an apple

Hi all,

I am new to this website. I have been following it from past 2 weeks and got inspired by all of you. I started to hit the gym past 2 weeks with the inspiration from this site.
I just need some advice on my fitness program.Let me tell you about myself. I am from India, got married and came to the U.S. in 2004. In past 2 years I have gained about 20 pounds:)eek:). I have never imagined that I would change that much. I am 25 years old ,5'2'' height and weigh 120pounds.

My routine:
Getting up by 7-7:30, drink a glass of lemon and honey water.
Hit the gym by 8:00A.M. Do threadmill for 30 min. I burn about 150 calories at 3.4 to 3.6 speed and at an inclination of 3. I walk most of the time on threadmill.

9:00am- have a bowl of cerial with 1/2cup skim milk.
10:00- fruit
11:30or12- lunch. wheat tortillas(they called rotis in India) with a vegetable curry.(Indian food). + yougurt.
3:00- an apple.
5:00 - tea(I can't live without it)
6:30- dinner(some Indian food, but difinetly that much fat content).
8:00- yogplait(low fat) or fruit.
10:eek:o- 1 cup of skim milk.
I sometime snack on dates or few Indian snacks(which do contain some fat)

I calculated my body fat from this website <http://www.stevenscreek.com/goodies/pi.cgi>
which says :

Estimate #1 based on height and weight
Your "Ponderal Index" is 12.57 which gives an estimated body fat of 22.2% (26.7 pounds of fat)

Estimate #2 based on waist size(30) and weight(120)
Estimated body fat of 13.5% (16.2 pounds of fat)

I am not sure how much bodyfat should be there for my height.

I have thunder thighs, which are very fat. My goal is to reduce my thighs and butts. I feel disgusted whenever I look at myself in the mirror. I used to do some thigh excercise equipments in gym, but once I stopped , I feel my thighs became more fat.Please advice me on what excercises do I need to focus on to reduce my thighs and body fat. (I especially have fat on my inner and side thighs rather than on the front). What should be the body fat for a person of height and weight.

Thanks in advance.
I did it as well, and I came up with a body fat % of about 16.5%. A month ago (4 pounds heavier with the same height and waist size (30 in.)), my body fat % as measured by a personal trainer was 30%. So, I'm not sure exactly how exact that website is.
body fat calculator

Hi - There's a lot of information on the internet about body fat and what % of body fat means what. From what I remember, at 13% body fat, you'd be quite thin. At 18%, you'd be in the athletic range. But anyway, do some surfing for it.

The better thing would be to get a caliper or get a trainer to measure you. But if you can't, here's another calculater w/c might be more helpful or closer to accurate.
For the exercise, I'd say start with cardio workouts. Anything that gets your heart rate up like walking or jogging, as long as it's something you can have fun doing.

I started with videos because 1) I can do them at home according to my own schedule, and 2) they're a relatively cheap option.
You can't choose where you want to burn fat. Cardio excersises will bring your fat % down and you will eventually lose that fat where you want too.
First of all, welcome to this forum. You should add some weight training to your workout. Train all your bodyparts. I am sure there is a trainer or someone who is willing to help show you weight training exercises. Two of the best exercises for legs and butt would be squats and lunges. Also you need to increase your protein intake in your diet. Drink lots of water also. Your cardio looks okay for the time being. Good luck with your goals :)